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Killer watched as Diana fell to the ground, bleeding heavily. "NOO!!" He shouts trying to crawl towards her motionless body while crying.

Nightmare just stood there watching the scene unfold in front of him, a sadistic smile formed on his face as he watched the stranger die from blood loss. "Well, well, well... looks like there actually was someone after you." He says with a smirk "Good that I came here in time!"

Killer tried to get closer while he sobbed and cried loudly, hoping that all of this was just a bad dream, hoping he would wake up back at home with his family and Diana by his side. This was just disgusting...

the sight of the blood made him feel sick to the stomach making it hard to look at Diana's pale body.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!!" He shouts at Nightmare, his eyes full of tears and hate. ''You disgusting moro-'' Before Killer could finish his sentence, Nightmare interrupted him with a brutal kick to the face, silencing him quickly.

Killer immediately falls to the ground, holding his face in pain while he cries and shakes in fear "Don't be so rude towards your boyfriend... let's just say that I was 'protecting' you, i don't want someone taking you away from me" Nightmare says and squats in front of Killer, watching how Killer curled up in a ball and hid himself, only light whimpers heard from the smaller boy.

Nightmare petted Killer's head, thinking of what he'll do now. If Diana somehow found out where they were then the police could too. So that only meant one thing: they had to get out of here as soon as possible.

He grabbed onto Killer's hands and pulled them away from his face, revealing his bloody nose and sore eye "Hmm... I think we will have to leave this place, your little friend ruined my plan." Nightmare says taking a quick glance towards the corpse while leaving a small kiss on Killer's forehead. 

Nightmare got up and walked towards the door "I'll be back soon... we will have to leave later." he said before leaving, if he wanted to keep Killer, he had to think of a plan quickly.

While Nightmare was gone Killer laid on the ground and sobbed loudly, he couldn't believe what just happened, his best friend got killed right in front of him... This was his only chance to escape, but it got ruined. 

Killer didn't know what to do, he looked around desperately trying to think of a plan to not end up like Diana. He had to leave some sort of sign that he was there, so that the police knows he's still alive. 

He crawled towards Diana and tried to find some useful stuff in her pockets, he felt so guilty and disgusted by the sight of her body, but he had to find something! Killer looked in every pocket and only found a piece of paper and a pencil, this was perfect! He quickly wrote what had happened and who kidnapped him, his hands shaking in fear at the thought of Nightmare walking in in any second. When he finally finished he hid the note back in her pocket and slowly crawled back to where he was before.

And after an hour Nightmare barges in and walks up towards Killer, picking him up. He started to panic again and struggled to escape Nightmare's grip ''Let go!'' he shouted while wiggling in Nightmare's arms. Killer could barely see a thing from that kick, and while Killer was panicking Nightmare took him outside.

When Killer finally realized he froze in shock, he was outside?... He looked around noticing a car and a few bags next to it, and a weird smell of.. gasoline?

Nightmare walked towards the car and forcefully put Killer in the front seat, but the door was already locked before Killer could do anything. Killer had no idea what was happening, he looked around outside the car window noticing Nightmare standing in front of the house.... looking at it weirdly. When suddenly Nightmare grabbed a lighter and lit it up, he stood there for a second and then threw it towards the house, making it immediately light up in flames..

Killers mouth widened in shock.. did he just?-... He watched as the flames quickly spread across the expensive house, Killer's small plan had failed, there would be no evidence or proof left anymore. Nightmare is just crazy for doing this, who on earth would burn their own house down?..

While the house was burning Nightmare hopped in the car and quickly drove off, he was so rich that burning a house down wasn't really a problem. Now they just had to get as far away as possible. 

It was really quiet and awkward in the car, Killer tried to avoid eye contact and looked outside the window, trying to figure out where the hell they were going. ''this will be a 3-hour ride so don't try anything stupid..'' Nightmare mutters while looking at the road. This is going to be a nightmare, Killer had to sit in a car with him for 3 whole hours, who knows what might happen next... 

30 minutes into the ride they were already out of town, it was super boring inside the car... Killer didn't really have anything to do, he was so tired he slowly started to fall asleep but he tried everything he could to stay awake. Nightmare would probably do something while he's asleep and Killer did not want that to happen... 

while Killer was looking outside the window, enjoying the view of the forest he suddenly felt Nightmare's hand slip up onto his thigh. Killer slowly glanced down at his legs watching how Nightmare rubbed his hand up and down... He felt so uncomfortable and had no idea on what to do now... He couldn't move away like he did in the basement, so he will probably have to deal with this the whole ride.

This is going to be disgusting...

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