Movie night.

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They have finally arrived home after the painful trip to the store, Nightmare went to the kitchen and put down all the grocery bags while Killer sat down on the floor, resting his leg while he could. He wanted to get out of here as fast as he could, the punishments have gotten harder to avoid..

After a while Nightmare finally came up to Killer and crouched down in front of him, he looked a bit sad and guilty, ''.. you know, i don't really mean to hurt you right? i just sometimes cant control myself... I'm sorry'' Nightmare mutters, feeling embarrassed about apologizing this way. He usually never does this, this made him feel so.. weak.

Killer was a bit shocked by the sudden apology, he was suspicious but also curios. Did Nightmare want something from him? Or was this just another ''apology''?..

''um.. its ok'' Killer says quietly and looks down at the floor, he doesn't really forgive Nightmare, he just doesn't want to get into any trouble. But the answer didn't seem to make Nightmare happy at all, he still looked guilty and upset.

''How about we do something together? maybe you wanna watch a movie? or play some board games?'' Nightmare asks while tilting his head, he sounded really exited by his idea. Spending time with Killer was like a dream come true, sometimes...

''.. sure, we could watch a movie'' Killer shrugs, as long as Nightmare was happy it was fine. He would love to also play some board games but he had a feeling Nightmare might throw a tantrum from losing, so its better to go along and watch a movie it was a lot calmer.

''Great!!'' Nightmare says with a huge grin on his face, he was exited for this moment and immediately picked up Killer and took him to the living room, setting him down onto the couch, ''now, you pick a film and i will go grab some snacks!'' and with that, Nightmare left to the kitchen, leaving Killer alone in the living room.

He sat there looking at the huge screen in front of him, trying to decide witch movie to watch. He wasn't in the mood for a horror movie and watching a romance movie together with Nightmare would be... cringe and weird... so he picked out a Christmas movie ''home alone''. 

After a short while Nightmare walked into the living room and sat down onto the couch holding a bowl of chips in one hand and two bottles of coke in the other. ''home alone? such childish movie..'' he mutters under his breath as he stared at the screen  ''but, since that's what you want we might as well watch it.'' 

They pressed play and started watching the movie, it was actually very calm and nice, this was a moment Killer actually enjoyed, but of course Nightmare had to ruin it. He started hugging Killer and began to be really clingy and affectionate, Killer was expecting this to be more comfortable and exiting but as always it turned out to be... weird.

Killer though ignored it, he really didn't want any more drama or punishments. They were having a pretty ok time, so why say something?

While Killer was enjoying this one time moment, Nightmare was mostly focusing on Killer. He had a special plan for today, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea. He kept glancing at Killer a lot of thoughts running through his head ''what if i didn't wait?'' ''ill just do it and apologize when i finish'' ''will he cry?'' ''will he like it?''

Nightmare had a hard time deciding, as he could feel his arousal grow from the sight of the smaller boy...

Will he be a monster once again, or will he leave Killer alone?...

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