Killers new life.

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Killer was sitting in bed, few hours after the incident. He was all alone in his room, crying, not believing what has just happened. He thought that maybe after some time things will get better. Nightmare would change and they could finally ''love'' each other..

This has been torture, Killer was such a sweet boy, yet he had to go through all of this. The pain and suffering has made him understand that not always people change.

A whole year has passed... everything was the same. Killer gets loved, punished and then raped, it repeats endlessly making Killer just lose his mind. He's used to it though, he knows Nightmare a lot better and can sometimes communicate with him properly, but right as Killer talks about getting a new life. Shit goes down really fast. 

But, the good thing was that Killer had a bit more freedom then before. He could walk around the house all he wanted to and could even go out the backyard, but whenever he goes too far Nightmare locks him up in the basement for a few days. ''To teach him a lesson''

His family and police have no idea on where he is, the boy has disappeared with no trace. All they could find is Diana's burned up body in the old house. 

They all miss Killer, his smile, his kindness. He was a very kind person who always saw good in people (except the bullies). 

But life for his family has also changed a lot since Killer has disappeared, his mother finally paid off the dept with the help of the kind souls who donated money for them. They all know how hard it is to lose their child. 

A whole year has passed and lot has happened, his little sister started to go to school. She started painting and turned out to be a very talented little girl. His mother attended to cooking classes and has a goal to become a chef one day, she loved making food for other's, to make them happy with her meals.

While they all were improving their lives, Killer was stuck with his boyfriend. Nothing became better and only became worse. He had nothing to do there, no hobbies no nothing. The only thing he actually learned to do, is to... fuck... He was ashamed of himself but also blamed Nightmare, who always seemed to keep a smile on his face. 

They honestly did have a few nice moments together, sometimes Nightmare might buy some flowers or chocolate for Killer. They had late night talks where they talked about life, about how far they have gotten, how much they ''loved'' each other. But, that wasn't enough to forget about what Nightmare has done. It lingers onto Killer, his mind keeps coming back to all the disgusting memories he has with Nightmare. 

The fact that he will never get out of this endless suffering. 

And that's just how his life was now.

loved, punished, raped

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