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[November 20th]

Such a long while has passed since I have broken into here.

As time has passed by, I have realized that my health has become somewhat better. I could move my leg slightly but it still hurt a little. I still kept my hopes up, thinking that one day someone would find me, or I would finally get the chance to escape.

There's also another thing... I'm embarrassed to say this but... I really had to go pee... I had no idea how to tell this to Nightmare without embarrassing myself, it was so uncomfortable doing anything.

The discomfort was becoming stronger with each passing second, the only thing I could think of was going to the bathroom.. but it was physically impossible.

I stayed in one place, trying not to move so I don't wet myself. It was honestly getting so bad to the part where I had to hold my crotch and cross my legs, just so I don't piss myself.

Another uncomfortable hour passed by of me wiggling and holding myself when finally Nightmare came in, this was the first time I felt so happy to see him!!!

He came closer, noticing my weird behavior "What's wrong? Is your leg hurting?" He asks, sounding slightly concerned, but also a bit confused.

I looked down in embarrassment and shook my head "N-no... I.." I hesitated, this was embarrassing for some reason. He kept staring at me, obviously waiting for an answer.

".. I really.. really.. need to use the bathroom," I say quietly, looking down at the ground while blushing slightly from embarrassment.

The room became silent when all of a sudden Nightmare started laughing. I felt my face burn up as I heard him laughing about me... "oops, totally forgot about that. You should have told me that earlier" he said looking down at me with a smirk.

I continued to hold my crotch while looking down, refusing to make any eye contact "Fine, I'll take you to the bathroom. I don't want you to pee yourself" I felt so relieved when he said that, at least I will finally feel comfortable again.

He took me in his arms, taking me up the stairs out of the basement.

As we stepped out into the living room the atmosphere completely changed. The house was bright and really warm... it was completely different from what it looked like at night when I broke in.

Also, I noticed it was snowing outside, his house gave a Christmasy vibe, I was honestly very surprised that a creep like Nightmare would ever even care about such occasions.

We made our way to the bathroom, when we got in he placed me on the toilet and took a few steps back. "Go on do what you have to do," he says as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall, looking at me.

I stared back, waiting for him to turn around or leave. Expecting to have at least a little bit of privacy "Um... can you like.. turn around?.." I mumble, and he rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed by my request.

Hesitantly and slowly, he turned around and faced the wall.

And now I could finally do my business without someone staring at me... 

After I finished I immediately felt super relieved, holding all of that in was a nightmare...

When Nightmare heard me pulling my pants back up he turned around and looked at me "Feeling better now?" He asked looking me up and down, I just simply nodded and looked away.. this was so awkward...

He suddenly came closer, his arms still crossed "You're so filthy..." he points out and I look down at myself. Yeah, it was true... but it's mostly from the basement. "Well, since you're here I might as well wash you."

I look up at him, not sure if he was actually meaning that. He slowly walks towards the bathtub and turns on the warm water.

"Take your clothes off"

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