9 | Apology

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Preeta's pov,

"You deserve this"

"You deserve this"

"You deserve this"

The only words which were echoing in my ears since the moment his palm rested over my cheek.He fucking slapped me.

That fucking piece of shit just slapped me in the public.I can still feel the sting sensation of it and the mark of his two fingers on my cheek.

The feeling of failure, the emotion of hurt and pain, the anger bubbling inside my heart and mind by each second, the feeling of getting embarassed infront of many people, the speed of my heart racing when I revisited the moment he slapped me, the anger in his eyes and the audacity he had when he was arguing with me.

Everything, everything I remember and it is just aching my heart like hell.The tears that slipped through my eyes since he slapped weren't stopping till now.I am not even wiping them off because I want to know how much I will cry remembering that incident.

The only reason I cried in my life was when mom died and whenever I miss her.That is rare because dad never gave any chance to miss her.He is my father and mother.I am his princess and he never let a tear drop roll down my eyes and always said me never to cry.Because it's the sign of cowardness and people will think you are weak.

He is right because I am feeling weak right now.So weak that I am missing my mom's embrace to cry complaining her that someone dared to slap his daughter.The way he took stand for his mother is pinching my heart and I can never forget that.

The way he was talking to me without any respect and his eyes that were boring a hole in mine in anger.I am his boss, how can he forgot that when I never forget to torture him with work and my scolds.

How can he take the stand of his careless sister when he knew who I was to him.Didn't he saw that because of her I was embarrassed and my dress got ruined.

I would have left the matter there if he and his sister would have apologised to me.But no he wanted to insult me, he wanted to bring the tears in my eyes and make my head lower in front of him and people.

I have never been humiliated like this in my entire life.I don't know what I want to do but I fucking what to make him feel the pain he is causing me right now.The pain of my heart and the amount of my tears I am shedding because of him.

I could have slapped him back, but my hands didn't move or I was able to do something at that moment.Because I was shocked and numb when he did that.When my father never raised his hands on me, he dared to do that.He dared to slap me.

"You will pay for this Karan Luthra"The hatred for him can never curtail and even if it costs my life I will put that to make me feel the same pain and insult.

Because I feel like I am nothing, after the moment he insulted me.How can I face him when he humiliated me.How should I treat him, I don't know.I don't know anything, but the only motive is to pay him back and I will do it at any cost.

Turning to a side I pulled the teddy which was laying on the bed and snuggled my face while wailing hard.I cannot share this pain with dad, He will not leave him if he gets to know this and I don't want him to do that.I will handle him on my own and teach him the lesson for insulting causing me this pain.

I never felt the need of someone but today I am feeling like I wanted to lean on someone and share my anger and pain.But no worries, I am like this since the beginning and It is fine.I am strong and I shouldn't feel weak like this.otherwise I won't be able to take my revenge on him.

I just wonder, being a normal person, a mere PA of mine has the capacity to make me cry and feel something for him.Anger, the abundant anger.

He ruined my day too, I was with Anmol.He was the son of my father's friend.I was with him because my father has insisted me to go to meet some clients with him.So after that as we were hungry we were in the restaurant to eat something.He was friendly and nice.

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