Fight for love 🖤🦾❤️

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I had spent the last two years following the Winter Soldier, my mission was to catch him and kill him. The revenge for my family was still burning inside my heart and every night the images from the security cameras flashed before my eyes:one by one,savagely beaten up,my mom first to death, while my dad and my brother begged him to stop. His extreme brutality to take those serum bags from our car's trunk.I knew they were in danger,I had always been by their side, but that day I was busy on a last minute mission that I couldn't say no to... and I lost them all.The remorse for not being able to protect them haunted me every day.

The time had come:it was me against him,a fight to the death.Being a nerd and a special hacker myself,I was able to sneak onto Hydra's media archive and intercept their intelligence:his next mission was to blow up a medical unit nearby the Avengers' headquarter,to steal some supplies for the Super Soldier's trials.I was going to wait for him inside and if I died he would have come to hell with me!

It was easy to make a copy of one access card:I went to the reception desk and asked if one of the doctors was in,the nurse had to go to check in another surgery room and forgot his card on the table. I knew she was going to leave in half an hour, I stole that info too from their server – it was much easier to hack than Hydra's one. When the building was empty, I got in and waited for him, heavily armed, my rat in a trap. I heard the sound of his boots echoing on the floor, even if almost quietly, until he got closer to the small operating room. I left him coming in and taking everything he needed...he would never make it out of there alive, I swore on my parents!

He walked out talking on the phone "I'm done. Coming back in an hour" but he stopped meeting me, he was wearing the mask and his steel blue eyes blazed with fury "who are you? What are you doing here? Move over!" And he tried to get me out of his way, pulling away my body with his metal arm "not so fast! We should talk a little, before you go." He tried to pull me again "Move over! I have no time and if you don't do it yourself, I'll have to do this the hard way!" I twisted his other arm to the limit and he grunted, coming closer to his face and starting at him "you won't go anywhere, till you had listened to me carefully!" And kicked him on the chest so hard that he kneeled on the floor. When he tried to lift his face, he saw my knife flipping before his face and stopping to prick his throat.

"What do you want from me? Have we ever met before?" I giggled "Such a short memory for a Super Soldier! You should know who I am and why I've been running after you for the last 2 years!" I pulled the tip of the knife deeper into his skin "look at me more carefully!" I triggered him. His eyes narrowed then opened wide "let's see how I can help you... you destroyed the life of a family and left an orphan daughter!" He laughed through the mask cover "I killed tens of people in my life and don't remember any name! They are all the same to me!" "Death is not a thing to laugh about!" I screamed to him "you killed the wrong three innocents five years ago... my father was Mr Stark". The Winter Soldier realized and suddenly a light brightened his stare "you're the daughter of that fucking bastard, aren't you?" he cried. I lay down on him on the floor, my knees pointed against his chest to keep him pinned. My other hand took off his mask... I got stuck because he was very handsome, but I shouldn't divert the attention or worse lose my temper. "Wash your mouth before naming my father, fucking asshole!" I slapped his cheek turning his face to the left and making his lower lip bleed.

"I remember perfectly his annoying moans, he begged me to spare the life of that slut of your mother while I was choking her delicate neck. How much money did she throw away for plastic surgery?" his way of making fun of my beloved mom drove me so mad that I slapped him on the other cheek. "Shut the fuck up, motherfucker! It's time for you to pay for all the lives you have taken and destroyed. Believe me, I'll have no mercy!" I pulled out the gun from the holster on the right side of my jacket and pressed it to his forehead, loading the trigger "any last will or...?" I asked him but he didn't say a word. I said in a sarcastic tone "What's your real name? I want to write it with your blood on the gravestone", his eyes widened and emptied as his body slumped like a puppet "did the cat get your tongue?"

"My name is Bucky. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes 5234..." said the Winter Soldier suddenly and I stiffened "wait ... what did you say?" I heard once more from his mouth "Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes 5234..." Jesus Christ! How could it possibly be my Bucky underneath that merciless assassin? He was like in a trance and I shook him strongly to wake him up from that but he kept on going "Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes 5234..." for 3 more times. "Is it the name of a man you killed or a soldier?" he stared into my eyes and shed a tear. I was astonished but didn't drop the guard. I shouldn't trust him, maybe it was a strategy to shift my focus. 

"fell... my buddy there... against Red Skull... my arm... hospital... metal... scars... hurts... stop..... please.... stop.... mercy..." now he was raving and shaking his head, I felt his body under mine fully in convulsions. I stood up but kept the gun set on him, a little further from us, on the floor, there was the bag he was filling with medical supplies: I found some syringes full of sedative, exactly what I needed! I took one with my free hand and as long as I saw him trying to lift still dazed and confused, I injected it into his leg. He fell asleep in less than a minute. I knew that medicine was used for general anaesthesia, therefore it would have lasted for some hours.

I called the team "it's done. I got him. Someone please come and help me, he should be taken immediately to a safe place. I have very important info about him. Tell Fury I need to talk to him, urgently, as long as I arrive". Rogers answered surprised "you did it, oh my god! Good job, Stark! We're very proud of you. Wait, we'll be at the medical unit in some minutes".

I looked at him lying on the floor, harmless like a little lamb. Finally I caught the murderer of my family, still couldn't believe it. But something wasn't clear: who was he for real? Some of his words still echoed in my head "fell... buddy ... Red Skull... hospital... hurts... stop...mercy..." They weren't new to me, a throwback to once upon a time... about the love of my life. It reopened a still burning wound:  the day I lost Bucky. In a fall from a runaway train. And he was never found

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