The Royal Promenade

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QUICK A/N- I just wanted to say that the chapters will be getting longer and more descriptive so bear with me.


The next day, I woke up to my crazy brother splashing water on my face. "Are you kidding me?" I groaned, obviously annoyed at his 'funny' antics. Within seconds, the memories of yesterday's events came flooding back into my brain. A question came into my mind. Why did he say I was single? It wasn't like I told him I had a boyfriend or anything, besides,  Peter seemed pretty nice...

"Whatcha thinking about lil' sis'? Dreaming of your imaginary boyfriend?" my brother said in a snarky tone. "Get lost," I said, rolling my eyes and sitting up, with my heart pounding furiously. He actually had the audacity to LAUGH. As soon as he was about to leave the room, I did what any good sister would do. I grabbed my pillow and threw it with all my might. "BULLSEYE!" I yelled as the soft, white pillow smacked my brother, Noah straight in the face. "You suck." I heard him say before he stormed out the room, slammed the door, and stalked down the hallway in vexation, sulking and threatening to tattletale under his breath. 

The hours passed a lot quicker than I had ever imagined. That day had felt like a complete blur. "I'm so done with ordering food every day," I complained to my brother, my head burrowed into my pillow. "Well too bad, I'm not. Besides, the room service is way too expensive and it's not like mom's gonna let us walk to the restaurants by ourselves. Money doesn't grow on trees y'know? Well you wouldn't know, since you are a spoiled brat, " Noah answered as he continued to invest himself, eyes glued to the TV. I rolled my eyes.  "There's a restaurant in the hotel?" I asked in disbelief. He stared at me blankly, then shrugged as his attention went back to the TV, "Well you can go, I'm fine with having McDonald's every day." he said, clearly unbothered. How can that guy stand having McDonald's for breakfast, lunch and dinner almost every day? "You do you." I shrugged before leaving the hotel room.

I walked mindlessly around the food court of the hotel, wondering what to eat. My options were McDonalds(which was an obvious no), Domino's pizza and some fancy restaurant that had some cheap options. I'm so sick of fast food. I thought as I walked over to the restaurant. It was named the Royal Promenade and was like the settings in a romance movie, only better. The candles gave off a slightly yellow glow as the smooth, maroon velvet chairs harmonised perfectly with the gold frames. The crystal chandeliers glistened in the sunset, reflecting a crimson shade.  

 "Uh a table for one mademoiselle?" a guy, who must have been a waiter asked me in a thick French accent. "Yes please." I answered. The man took me to a  glass table and then left. I flicked through the menu. I checked the menu. Some items seemed somewhat affordable. " I'll have the steak, medium-well, thanks, " I mindlessly said to the waiter.  Out of no where, a very familiar face met my gaze.How did I keep on bumping into him? Was it just fate? He gave me a faint smile, and asked the waiter if he could join me. I gulped. I could feel my face growing red. My peach sundress felt loose, and my armpits started sweating. Wait. Was i falling for Biggy Norris? 

"Hi! Lovely to see you y/n!" Biggy exclaimed, sliding into his seat. 

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