3.) My Hyung

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(Requested by YoonjiOni ❤)(I changed the plot a little bit 😅p

Jin had a brother. A younger brother. His friends knew about his brother but never saw or interacted with him. Jin wanted his brother to meet his parents but his brother, Jungkook, is shy.

"Why don't you want to meet my friends, Kookie? They're nice" Jin says as he pats his brother's head.
"Hyung, I'm shy... What if they think I'm different?" Jungkook says, pouting as he looked up at his brother.
"You're not different, baby... You're like us, Kookie" Jin says and Jungkook continued to pout.

"What if they think I'm weird? I will cry, I will feel bad" Jungkook says and Jin sighs. Jin had told his friends about Jungkook and how he is. They all were okay with it and was even more excited to meet him, but Jungkook on the other hand, didn't want to. He was scared, having the trauma of people treating him differently after meeting him and knowing how he is.

Jungkook gulped as he watches his brother smile at him.
"Kookie, you know that if they ever treat you differently, I am willing to drop them" Jin says and Jungkook raises his brow, a worried expression plastered on his face.
"But that'll mean you won't have friends anymore?" Jungkook says and Jin chuckles.

"I'd rather have no friends than my brother being treated badly by my so called friends" Jin says and Jungkook huffs.
"Aish, you really want me to meet them?" Jungkook asks and Jin nodded.
"Yes, I will tell them how good of a brother you are, how cute you are-" Jin is cut off as Jungkook covers his mouth.
"Okay, okay, I get it, hyung" Jungkook says, groaning as Jin pinches his chubby cheeks.

~  ~  ~  ~

Jungkook bows as he meets Jin's friends. Everyone was quiet and Jungkook's anxiety was building up. He knew it, they'll thin-
"Oh, my gosh! You're right, Jin! He is cute!" Hoseok screamed as he walked to Jungkook and cupped his cheeks.
"Your eyes are so beautiful, Jungkook ah" Hoseok says as he stared at Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook's eyes are different colors, a blue with a brown.
"Really?" Jungkook asks and everyone agreed. Jungkook felt happy, they were all complimenting him about his eyes that he used to hate. Maybe he will start loving it soon?
"Thank you so much" Jungkook says, smiling wide. Jin wrapped his arm around his shoulders and pats his head.

"I told you they will love you"

"I told you they will love you"

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