48.) Little Jikook's Sick Day

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Jungkook walked inside his son's room, holding a small basin with lukewarm water.
"Baby, are you awake?" He says as he sat down on the bed, putting a hand over his son's forehead.

His son looked at him with weak eyes, making Jungkook look at him and kiss his forehead.
"Where's daddy, papa?" He asks and Jungkook smiles.

"Daddy went out to buy your favorite food, but you will get to eat it once you get better... For now, papa cooked you soup" Jungkook says and helped his son sit up.

The door opened and in walked Jimin, smiling.
"Hi, bubba" Jimin says as he walked to them, also sitting down.
"I bought some fever reducers" Jimin says and Jungkook nods.

"Aigoo, papa told you to not stay in the rain for too long" Jungkook says, putting the fever reducers on their son's forehead.
"Papa, I'm still sick don't scold me" Their son says, pouting.

"I know, baby... But you better listen to papa so it doesn't happen again, hmm?"

"Yes, papa"

"Yes, papa"

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