50.) He's The Opposite

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At the start of their relationship, Taehyung had promised Jungkook that he would be with him until they're old.

Jungkook wasn't convinced at first due to Taehyung's dating history at their school. It's not that he's judging the older, he just developed trust issues from his past relationships.

Jungkook had observed it all from the start. How Taehyung would go to him even if their schools were pretty far away. The older would wait for him, take him to his house despite his own house being far away from Jungkook's house.

Every little gestures, act of service, skinships, every words. Jungkook had noticed that every gossip he had heard about Taehyung weren't true. The older was opposite of what they portray him.

Taehyung was a soft, loving and caring man and he's honestly so happy to get the love from someone like him. Jungkook had slowly given his trust to Taehyung and the older never broke any of it.

Taehyung will always make sure that Jungkook eats well, sleep well, everything you could think of. Jungkook is loved and cared.

Jungkook sat in front of his vanity, doing his skincare routine. He smiles as Taehyung walked to him and places a kiss on the top of Jungkook's head before hugging him.
"Why are you here all alone?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook chuckles.

"Aigoo, I am not alone... You were literally sleeping, I didn't wanna disturb you" Jungkook says as he places a kiss on the older's cheek.
"Still, you are alone" Taehyung says and Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes.

"How about we do this together?" Jungkook asks, referring to the skincare.
"Sure" Taehyung says, smiling before leaning in as he grabbed a chair and sat down. Jungkook smiles and places a kiss on the older's lips.

"Don't complain"

"I won't"

"I won't"

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