49.) Hair Clips

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Jungkook laid on the couch as he scrolls through his phone. The others were out and he's at home all alone.

He hears the front door opening and footsteps, he sat up and is met with Hoseok, who had the biggest on his face.

"Hyung, you're back early? I thought you were practicing for your solo song?" Jungkook asks and Hoseok shrugs.

"I finished early, and decided to go home early... Also..." Hoseok says and takes something out of his sling bag.

"Here!" Hoseok says and shows some newly bought hair clips. They had cute designs, but what he noticed is that they were all related to bunnies.

"Hair clips?" Jungkook says, confused as he raises his brow.
"Well... Since your hair is getting long and I happen to see these, I decided to buy it for you... Let's try it on" Hoseok says and unpacks the clips.

He grabbed one and clipped the hairs that covered Jungkook's face. The younger smiled and Hoseok takes a photo after and then sending it to the group chat.
"Aigoo, cute!" Hoseok says, patting Jungkook's cheek.

"Maknae is so cute!"

"Hyung, stop teasing me!"

"Hyung, stop teasing me!"

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