35.) Rings

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Jungkook was never really the materialistic guy, Hoseok knew that. But he also liked the way the younger gets excited and happy whenever he receives gifts from him.

The two laid on their bed, the younger fast asleep while Hoseok stayed looking at his phone, while also playing with the younger's hair.

As soon as Hoseok sees that Jungkook is fast asleep, he grabbed the younger's hand and decided to measure it. He had asked the jewelry store owner how to measure a finger, so he knew what to do.

The younger moved a bit, making Hoseok stiff but relaxed as soon as he sees that Jungkook is still asleep. He smiled and kissed the younger's hand as soon as he finished measuring.

Jungkook is mad. Very mad. Hoseok just disappeared all of a sudden. He woke up with no one by his side. The older knew he didn't like being alone when he wakes up, but he does this.
"And he's not answering my phone, noona!" Jungkook says as he talked with his boyfriend's sister on the phone.

He heard her chuckle before explaining that maybe Hoseok had some urgent thing to do and had to go early.
"But, noona... Hyungie will leave me a message if he really had something urgent to go to" He says as he pouted.

"I could imagine your cute pouting, Jungkookie... I think Hobi does have a reason for this sudden disappearance, he'll be back soon, I promise"

She says, chuckling. Jungkook just hummed and looks up as soon as he heard the door open.
"I think he's here, noona" Jungkook says and the woman hummed before ending the call. Jungkook crosses his arms as soon as he sees Hoseok, who gave him an apologetic smile.

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asks, his right brow raised as he glared at his boyfriend.
"Forgive me, my love... But... I had to go early since I needed to get this" Hoseok says and showed the small red velvet box.

Jungkook's eyes widened as soon as he sees this, his anger disappearing as he looked up at the older.
"Hey, love... I'm so sorry for disappearing..." Hoseok says as he walked to the younger, grabbing his waist and pecking his lips.

Jungkook smiles as he nodded.
"I forgive you, what is this?" Jungkook asks as he looked at the small box.
"A promise ring" Hoseok whispers as he rested his head on the younger's shoulder.

"I measured your finger last night so that I will be able to pick the right size" The older says, chuckling.He puts it on the younger's finger and kisses his forehead.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

"You're welcome"

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