42.) Cigarettes and Lollipops

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Yoongi stared at Jungkook. The younger had been mad with him since the morning.

"Jungkook, what is it that you are mad about?" Yoongi asks, sighing. He was starting to get impatient on not being able to talk with the younger.

"I have told you so many times to stop with the smoking, hyungie" Jungkook says, finally talking to the older.

Yoongi looked shocked, he tried. He had hid it from the younger, but maybe he wasn't good with it.

"Don't act shock, I saw you..." Jungkook says, sighing. He moved close to the older, cupping his cheeks.

The older avoided eye contact. He felt guilty.
"Hyung, please look into my eyes" Jungkook says and Yoongi listens to him.

"You know what we talked about" Jungkook says and Yoongi sighs.
"I know, Koo... I tried... But I was stressed... That guy, he almost hit you" Yoongi says and Jungkook nodded, indicating that he should continue.

"And... Then I thought I almost lost you... And that was it... I couldn't resist" Yoongi says and Jungkook sighs.
"Hyung... I told you before... You need to tell me so that I can help you... I'll be here... If you're able to help me, then I am able to help you too" Jungkook says and Yoongi nodded before he hugged the younger.

"Will you let me throw away all your cigarettes so we can continue with you trying to stop your addiction?" Jungkook says and Yoongi nodded.

"How about you try this?" Jungkook says and pulls away, showing a lollipop. Yoongi took it and looked at it.
"When you feel stressed and want to smoke... You can get one from this jar of lollipop" Jungkook says and Yoongi smiles.

"I like that"

"I like that"

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