26.) Birthday l

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Jungkook felt sad. He can't celebrate Jin's birthday without the birthday boy himself. The older was away, doing his military service. Although he had already sent the older a text, telling him a happy birthday and that he loves him.

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Jin, on the other hand, smiled as he got in the cab. He was given a two day vacation to be able to celebrate his birthday. Now, he hasn't told Jungkook about this as he wanted to surprise the younger.

After a 10 minute drive, Jin had finally arrived at the house him and Jungkook shares. Thanking and paying the driver, he got out a smiled wide as he looked around.

"He's been busy" He says as he looked at some flowers Jungkook must've planted while he was gone. He sees Jungkook, who was about to take out the trash but stopped in his tracks as he mad eye contact with him.

Jungkook gasps, dropping the trash bag he was holding and ran to the older, jumping on him. Jin was fast enough to catch him, smiling wide as he spun them around.

"You're here!" Jungkook says as they stopped, pulling away to stare at the older's face.
"Happy birthday, love" Jungkook says and pecked Jin's cheek.

"Thank you, love"

"Thank you, love"

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