18.) He's The Leader?

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(Requested by whyshoulditellu233 ❤)

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(Requested by whyshoulditellu233 ❤)

A man is pushed to kneel down with a bag over his head, his hands behind his back and a gag in his mouth. The guy that pushed him, removed the bag over his head along with the gag.

"What do you guys want from me?!" The guy screamed, glaring at the guy that grabbed his hair.
"Simple, you tell us where the people you guys had kidnapped so we can get this over with" The guy, Yoongi, says as he glaring back at the man.

"I told you already! They are all gone! Dead or somewhere!" The guy says, smirking. Yoongi raises his brow and was about to smack the guy when someone stopped him.

He sighs, shaking his head and backed away.
"I suggest you say something before our boss does something to you" Another man, named Jimin, says as he walked in. Along with him were the other members of the gang, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin.

"Tell me, where is the leader here? You!" The man says, glaring at Namjoon.
"That's incorrect, our boss is still doing something, he'll be here in a second" Namjoon says and then footsteps are heard.

"He's here" Taehyung says, smirking.
"He's the leader?" The man says, a bit confused on why their leader looks so young.
"Yeah, got any problem?" Hoseok, the guy that came with the leader, Jungkook, says as he scoffed.

"Hyungs, enough... Let the guy say what he wants, and if he don't... You guys can do what you want" Jungkook says, smirking. The guy gulped, feeling intimidated now.

~  ~  ~  ~


That was easy, right? You find need to be so secretive about it" Jungkook says as he stared at the guy who's now all beaten up. The guy is then taken away and Jungkook sighs in relief.
"Finally, this place is so hot, why did you guys pick this?" Jungkook says, huffing.

"Sorry, Kookie... This was the nearest place" Jin says, chuckling.
"I'm hungry... You guys hungry?" He asks and everyone agreed.
"Hey! What about me?" Taehyung says, walking in after taking the man to their jail cell.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

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