59.) Dress Shirt

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Jungkook huffs as he stared at his boyfriend's room. It was super messy, yes, he's messy himself... But not this messy.

"Aigoo, he's so busy with his producing that he forgets to clean up his room" Jungkook says, shaking his head as he looked at the older, who's asleep on his work desk.

He smiled and started cleaning up. As he cleans up, he noticed some of Namjoon's dress shirts. It looks so big and comfy.

"Hmm..." He thinks to himself before smiling.
"Aigoo~" Jungkook says and walked to the older, placing a kiss on the top of his head before continuing.

~  ~  ~  ~

Namjoon woke up as he hears his phone go off. He looked at it and turns the volume off as he yawned and stretched.

He looked around and sees that his room has been cleaned.
"Aigoo, Jungkookie must've went in and cleaned" He says and spots the said male on the bed, asleep.

He smiled and stood up, walking over but stopping as soon as he saw what the younger is wearing.
"Oh..." Was what he let out, biting his bottom lip.

"Aish, this guy... He must feel cold" He says and shook the thoughts away. He laid beside Jungkook and smiles as he kissed his forehead.

"You look good in those..."


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