16.) Just You

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Jungkook had a very rough experience when it came to love. Every people he dated, also ended up hurting him.

His heart gets broken everytime. And as it was the same as the last time, he was slowly starting to give up on love.

Jimin liked for as long as he can remember. He never looked at anybody the way he looks at Jungkook. Jungkook was the only one for him.

Although it was a bit hard at first, he was able to befriend Jungkook, until he starts to become his suitor.

Jungkook was a bit hesitant at first, thinking Jimin will be like anyone else he had dated. He was scared to get hurt again.

But he decided to try, he decided to open his heart once again. And once he did, his heart became healed.

Jimin took care of him. Assured him and gave him the love he needed. He was slowly becoming happy again and it's all because of one guy. Jimin. His love.

"I'll only love you and just you"

"I'll only love you and just you"

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