64.) Back With You

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(Last part for Memories ❤)

Jimin woke up with a massive headache. He must've gotten so drunk last night, he'll never come with the others to a bar again after that.

He huffs as he sat up, stretching and groaning as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Aish, what the fuck" He says as he grabbed some medicines from his nightstand drawer.

He always puts it there just in case and swallowed it with the water bottle he always has on his nightstand.

As he does this, his phone starts ringing.
"Aish, they're calling me at this time?" He says, huffing. He grabbed his phone, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" He says with his morning voice.

"Jimin hyung?"

As soon as Jimin heard that familiar voice, he immediately looked at the ID and sees Jungkook's name.
"What the..." He whispers with his eyes wide, blinking a few times as he thinks this was just a dream.
"Am I dreaming?" He whispers once again, gulping.

"Hyung? Are you there?"

Jimin continued to be quiet, not knowing what to answer nor say to the younger. He was feeling every kind of emotion, but it was mostly happiness. Happiness because he's able to hear his voice once again.

As he continued to be quiet, he hears a sniffle. This caused him to be alerted as he hears a slight chuckle.

"I knew it... You really didn't mean those, you were drunk and I gave myself false hopes once again... I'm sorry to bother you-"

"Jungkook" Jimin decides to finally speak up as he was starting to feel bad for the other.
"I miss you..."

Jimin ran down the stairs as soon as he heard Jungkook tell him that he was right at his front door. He opens it in a flash and immediately engulfed the younger in a tight hug. They cried in each other's arms, telling each other how they regret leaving and how they miss and still love each other.

"Let's start all over again, from the very start... Let's love each other once again..."


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