46.) Concert

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Jungkook watches his idol perform on stage with a big smile, waving his light stick as he cheered.

He was alone, his friend didn't come with him even though he had invited him. But he's having fun at least.

The place was full of screams and cheers, some were even singing along. The idol walks down the stairs and everyone started going crazy.

They pushed each other just to get close, and Jungkook is pretty unlucky to be one of those people. He groaned, bumping into people, apologizing.

A harsh push causes him to lose balance and as he's about to fall, he felt an arm wrap around his body. He looked at who it was and is met with a guy, who looked at him in worry.

"Are you okay?" The guy asks and Jungkook nodded. The guy made Jungkook blush, he was gorgeous, mesmerizing, everything he could think of to describe the man.

"They're pushing too harshly" The guy says, shaking his head.
"I'm Taehyung, I'm glad I was able to save you" Taehyung says, smiling.
"Jungkook, thank you... I would've been trampled by now" Jungkook jokes, smiling back.

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Nice to meet you too"

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