32.) Am I Pregnant?

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Taehyung was peacefully eating his breakfast as he scrolls through his feed. He could hear footsteps, knowing it was his boyfriend, Jungkook.

Taehyung sips on his juice when all of a sudden...
"Hyung, am I pregnant?" Jungkook asks, his shirt lifted up, showing his tummy.

Hearing this made Taehyung choke on his juice. He coughed, looking at his boyfriend, who looked serious about his question.

"Baby? Why are you asking such question?" Taehyung asks as he finally composed himself.
"Well, just thought of it" Jungkook says and Taehyung frowns.

"Should we go to the doctors?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook shook his head, turning around. Taehyung raises his brow. He's startled as Jungkook turns around, now holding a baby.
"Just kidding!" Jungkook says, throwing the fake baby to him.

"But if ever, I would like to have children with you"

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