40.) Oblivious

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Taehyung had been Jimin's friend for as long as he can remember. They always tell each other everything, being the soulmates they are.

Taehyung knew every secrets, problems the other had. But there was something he didn't know...

Taehyung watched Jimin and Jungkook huffs each other with a pout. He was feeling jealous, but why? They're friends, he should join. He was even more shocked to see Jimin peck HR younger's forehead and that was it for him.

He stood up and walked to the two. The others watched as this happened, chuckling.
"Jimin, that's one way of celebrating, hmm? Why don't you do that to me? It's like you two are dating" Taehyung says, joking at the end.

"But we are, hyung" Jungkook says, causing Taehyung to freeze in his spot.
"Yeah... We are, don't you know that?" Jimin asks, frowning.
"What? I didn't know that" Taehyung says, and he's serious.

"Even the hyungs know it" Jimin says, laughing.
"Hey! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me??" Taehyung says, looking at everyone.
"We thought you knew... We thought you would see by the way they interact" Yoongi says, shrugging.

"Aigoo~... That explains the skin ship and kisses"

"Yup, I didn't know you were oblivious to the fact we are dating"



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