70.) Forever

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[Hi, this will be the last chapter for this oneshots book since I don't have ideas for this book lol

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[Hi, this will be the last chapter for this oneshots book since I don't have ideas for this book lol. If ever I gain some once again, I'll probably update it once again 😍]

"Hi, guys" Jungkook says as he looked at the other males.
"Jungkookie! You're back!" Everyone says as they ran to the younger, hugging him tightly.

Jungkook had taken a few months break since he wanted to focus on himself and because he had been feeling sick for awhile. His hyungs, of course, understood him and let him stay with his parents.

Although they missed him, they didn't force him to come back immediately. They let him have his time to think so that once he's all recovered, he can go back healthy to them.

"I missed you, guys" Jungkook says, smiling wide.
"We missed you too, you brat" Yoongi says and Jungkook chuckles.

"Little Jungkookie, our little Jungkookie" Hobi says as he pinches Jungkook's cheeks. The younger smiled and hugged them once again.

"BTS forever?"

"BTS forever!"

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