60.) 7 Minutes Of Heaven

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Jungkook stared at everyone as they played spin the bottle. He was forced to play... By his friend, who held tightly onto him so he wouldn't run away.

"Hyung, we need to go" Jungkook says, although it was still too early to go.
"Aish, Jungkook, don't be like this. Have fun, enjoy life" His friend says and Jungkook huffs.

He had watched how they were playing. The game was "7 minutes of heaven" and everyone who had came out of that closet, looked like they had so much fun.

Jungkook didn't know anyone inside the circle. Well, he knew Min Yoongi. The quiet guy in his class but he didn't know any of them. What if he ended up having to do such thing with someone he didn't know?

What if-
"Jungkook and Yoongi!" Was what he heard as he snapped out of his trance. Jungkook looks at them with wide eyes as he watches Yoongi stand up.

Yoongi offers his hand, which he took. He looked at his friend who winked and patted his bum.
"I'll kill you" Jungkook whispers before he's taken to the said closet.

He gulps as he walked in, Yoongi was already inside. The closet doors closed and he gulps as soon as it did.
"So..." Jungkook says, scratching his nape. Due to the small holes of the closet, he could see a glimpse of Yoongi's face.

"I... I haven't done this before" Jungkook shyly says and he hears a small chuckle.
"Don't be so tense... I won't do anything" Yoongi says as he stood there, making sure to not make the other uncomfortable so he kept a distance.

"Guys, nothing is happening?" They heard and the two chuckles.
"Copy me" Yoongi says and start making noises, even moving the closet a little.
"Woah!" They heard, smiling at each other as their plan was working.

"7 minutes is up!" They heard and made sure to make each other look like they did the "deed". They hugged each other as they waited for the closet doors to open.
"Must be fun" One of them said as the two moved away from each other.

Jungkook gave Yoongi a look, the other winks at him before they go back to their friends.

(Yes, it's inspired by that one scene in the movie "My Ex and Whys")

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(Yes, it's inspired by that one scene in the movie "My Ex and Whys")

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