Chapter 57: Leaving

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Another day of school ended.

Two days had passed since the Nomu accident, but you were still broken.

You acted normal with your friends though.

"Y/n, can you take care of Eri for today? Mirio will be there." Aizawa asked you.

"Right now?"
You asked him, suddenly confused of the sudden request.

"Yes. Change into some comfortable clothes at your dorms room, and head back. You may go now."
He said, and you nodded, and grabbed your backpack and left the classroom, still confused.

As soon as you left, Aizawa sighed.

"Sir! Why is Y/n only going?? We want to see Eri too!!" Kaminari said.

"We have a serious problem right now. Don't complain, I sent her away so she won't be here for now."
Aizawa said, and the class became quiet, noticing the serious expression on their teacher's face.

"Listen carefully. I'm only going to say this once."

He explained everything- of what had happened on your mission, about the Nomu, and that the Hero commission is trying to take you away from U.A.

Your classmates were also pretty shocked, as they worried about you.

"The Hero commission wants to see you all right now, follow me to the meeting room." Aizawa sighed.




There was Madam president waiting, with her bodyguards.

"Class 1-A. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Madam president, the leader of the Hero commission." She introduced herself.

"What the hell do you want from Y/n?" Bakugo growled at her.

"Watch your language in front of Madam president!" One of her bodyguards said, but she stopped them.

"It's fine. Bakugo Katsuki, am I right? You do have quite a temper."

Bakugo just growled.

"We just came here, to request you all to do something." She said to the class.

"We need you to treat Y/n like she's a villain."

"What the fuck? Like hell we're doing that."
Bakugo said, and the class nodded.

"We don't know why you are requesting this to us, she's our friend. We're never doing that."
Yaoyorozu said.

"Yeah! Piss off, we're going to protect our friend, not break her more!"
Mina also said.

"You should know that we, class 1-A, is never going to do such action." Iida added.

"Why are you even asking us to do something like that?!" Kirishima said.

"She's not a villain, don't you know? Why else do you think she's in a hero school?"
Todoroki added.

"Probably she's trying to get information from U.A. Y/n L/n could be U.A.'s traitor. She didn't attack the Nomu- she didn't accomplish her mission. If heroes haven't arrived at the scene, or arrived late, people could have died. She didn't protect the people, how can you call that a hero?"

Your classmates flinched when they heard Madam president's words.

"You know, she's All For One's daughter. They're family, do you think that she'll disobey her own father's words? She's tricking you all."

Your classmates eyes shaked.


"Ah, Y/n! You're here!" Mirio greeted you, as you arrived at the place Eri was staying.

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