Chapter 59: Emotions

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You haven't gotten any treatments after the fight- the burns and wounds.

It was painful, but you didn't mind it.

It was late night, as you walked around the city streets with your mask on, and hood wore on your head.

You were messed up.

You were on the news- for being an anonymous hero- which was on the giant screen in the middle of the city.

"Who is that?"
You heard someone say.

"I don't know... but she's sure a hero!"
Another said.

But you felt mad.

'I'm a hero when I'm anonymous, but I'm a villain when known.'
You thought.

This was true, whatever things you did, how many good actions you took, you were known as a villain, the same as your father.

The only person you wanted to see now...



You decided to go see your mother.

She was still in a deep coma, not waking up.

As you got on the train back to your city, you looked out the window.

It started to rain outside, but only a little.

The stars weren't shown- covered by the dark clouds, and the moon wasn't shining as much as before.

You sighed, closing your eyes, deciding to sleep for a while before you arrived.





"Next stop is Musutafu... please take your belongings with you. Thank you."
You heard the announcement, as you opened your eyes, waking up from sleep, and walked out of the train.

Your body and face was aching and stinging- the wounds didn't get any better.

You had your mask and hood on not wanting to get noticed by anyone in the streets, and trying to avoid your friends... or should you say 1-A students.. fake friends.

Raindrops were falling from the sky and was soaking your hood.
All you heard were the tapping sounds that were made on the ground by the rain.

Soon you arrived at the hospital.

"Sana L/n. I'm her daughter."
The nurse looked up to see your face when you said your mother's face, and her eyes widened as soon as she saw you.

"Room 333.." was all she said before she held up her phone, calling someone.

You pushed your hands in your jacket pocket and looked down at the floor until you reached Room 333.

You opened the door, and entered, feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders.

There, your mother was lying down, her eyes closed, but the monitor was beeping.

You sat down on the seat next to her bed, and held her hands.

It was warm, and you felt tears filling in your eyes, but pushed them in.
"Mom... please wake up soon. I miss you so much..."
You said, your voice cracking.

You stayed there for a few minutes, and was about to leave.

You opened the door, and saw a figure in the halls, and you looked forward to see a familiar face.

AURA (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now