Chapter 38: Mom

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Your mother, Sana was calling you on your phone.


Come to think of it, you both didn't talk, or even contact each other after the incident, after you moved to the dorms.

'I said harsh words to her.. I should apologize. It wasn't her fault anyways.'

"Guys, I got a call, I'll get it quickly and come back." You said, and your classmates hummed as a reponse.

You walked out the dorm door, and leaned on the building wall outside.

It was darker than usual nights, since dark clouds were covering the moon.

It looked like it would rain soon.

"Hello?" You answered the call.


"Hello? Mom?"

"Y/n... sweetheart..."
Your mother Sana was panting, and some crashing sounds were heard on the backround.

"Mom? What-.. is everything fine there?"
You asked, a bit frowning.

"Y/n my baby... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for keeping everything as a secret..."

"Huh? Mom, are you okay?"

"Y/n... please listen... You know I love you right...?"

"Yeah, yeah mom. I know you love me, I love you too, but seriously, is everything okay?"
You were a bit worried.

"I'm so sorry..."
"I hurt you, right..? I'm so sorry... I love you Y/n, can you tell Siji that I love him too..?"

"Mom! What's wrong, should I go there? Where are you?"

"I... I love you so much, my darling... listen to me, even though the people outside says that you're a villain... you're not.
You're a hero, and don't forget that... I love you so much...!"



"Mom!" You shouted on your phone, but you only heard crashing sounds and buzzing sounds on the backround.

But then... you suddenly heard a deep screeching sound.

A very familiar screech.

It sounded like...

'A NOMU?!'

'Shit shit shit shit shit...!!!''

"Mom! Are you there??"
You shouted again on your phone, but the call soon ended, cause of connection error.

You shouted, as you used your flames to fly to your house.

Your house was a hour walk, so even if you flew, it would take more than 20 minutes.

You arrived at your house.

There were crowds of people surrounding your house, whispering.

Your house was burning with flames.

Fire was all over the place, and it looked like it was soon about to collapse.

"Isn't she the villain kid's mother..?"

"Shouldn't we be calling the heroes..?"

"There is no use of calling the heroes, that won't be good for us. Remember, they're villains."

"Let's just watch, call the heroes when the House collapses. That woman will die, but I don't think the monster inside will."

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