Chapter 58: Betrayed

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You took a train.

You sat down on the train seat, pulled your hood up your head, and wore your costume mask.

It was to hide your face.

You went far away, and landed on a random city.

There were tall buildings in the city, as the building lights brightened the streets.

You levitated yourself with your telekinesis, and went high up a tall building rooftop.

You had your mask on, and your hoodie jacket hood up your head.

You looked down at the city view, and took a deep breath.

The cold air went inside your lungs, as it felt like freezing.

But you didn't mind a bit.

You liked it up here, it felt like you were free, like you were finally out of a grasp of something that was dragging you away.

But you felt lonely.

'They betrayed me, let's not think about that anymore. Fuck them. Fuck everything.'
You narrowed your eyes, staring at the city view.

You laid down on your back, and looked at the sky.

The stars were twinkling, and the moon was bright, shining.

You made a small aurora with your quirk, and flew them up to the sky.

'I'll forget you. Everyone, everything.'


The next morning, you shot open your eyes.

"When did I fall asleep..?"
You mumbled to yourself, finding yourself laid down on the same building rooftop from last night.

You sighed, and took out your phone, checking the time.


You jumped off the building, and before you touched the ground, you flew with your flames, around the city.

"Okay, Y/n. New day, new life! Never going back." You sighed.

A bitter taste was left in your mouth.

You wandered around the city the whole day, trying hard not to get noticed by people.

It was already nighttime.

You had nothing planned in mind, but one thing.
Protect people if something happens, even though you left U.A. doesn't make you a villain.

It was actually true, if you had attacked the Nomu before, the people wouldn't have gotten hurt.

You were up a building rooftop, looking at the city view for hours, listening to music with your headsets.

But suddenly, a bright light was shown, with black smoke emerging from not far away.


Bright flames were erupting from less than a mile away.

You narrowed your eyes, as you flew to the spot.

As expected, a building was covered, and was burning with flames.

"Everyone, step back!"
You shouted.

"My daughter! She's in there!" A woman shouted, her eyes filled with horror and tears.

"It's not just a fire, there's a villain inside...!" Another man shouted.

"Are you a hero.??"
Someone asked.

"Yes I am. I'll get your daughter, ma'am. Please wait a bit, and call 911."
You said, as you ran in the burning building.

The place was filled with smoke, and flames were everywhere.

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