Chapter 65: Devil

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You walked over to the starting gate- to the training grounds.

"So, you have a plan?" Kirishima asked, and you nodded your head.

"The game is pretty adverse to us, since we're only 2 - and the other team is 3. So even though we make a good plan, it could not work as well."
You said, and Kirishima listened.

"So, to increase the possibilities to our victory- I'm thinking of fighting our own way."

"Bakugo might be searching us by himself, and Mina and Tokoyami might be going their own ways too. I'll find Mina, you should find Tokoyami and fight."
You explained.
"Try to avoid Bakugo as much as you can, we can fight him together at last. He's not gonna get captured easily."

"Got it!" Kirishima said.
You ran deeper into the forest, as you searched for Mina.
'Where is she?'
You narrowed your eyes, looking around.

But then...

Something shot from the trees, as you tilted your head and dodged.
It was Mina's quirk: Acid, as it burned the tree right next to your head.

You turned your head to the place where the attack was shot, and found Mina on a tree branch.

"Found ya."
You said, as you activated your quirk and shot your flames at her.

Mina jumped down, dodging the flames.

"No blaming each other when we get hurt."
You said, as Mina grinned.

"I know that Bestie!"
She laughed as she dodged your attacks.

Mina clasped her hands together, and shot her acid quirk at you. You dodged by jumping to the right, and the acid burned the ground.

You placed your right hand on the ground, and used your telekinesis. The ground started to crack, and soon broke down. Mina lost balance as she was about to fall on her back.
You shot your aura at her, and held her up with your telekinesis.

Mina tried to use her quirk again, clenching her teeth. It's hard to use quirks when they're caught by your telekinesis.

"Nuh uh, Mina." You smirked, as you used more of your aura while holding her up.

You brought her to the jail cell, and locked her

"Darn it." Mina crossed her arms, and pouted.
"I'm winning you next time, girl!" She shouted at you, who was running back into the forest.

"Good luck with that!" You shouted back.

'Where's Kirishima?'
You thought, searching for him.
Since Tokoyami wasn't in the jail cell, it meant that Kirishima is still fighting- or lost.

But as soon as you thought that, a loud crash was heard and smoke emerged from nearby.

You used your telekinesis to levitate yourself to the sky, and looked down.
There- Kirishima was fighting with Tokoyami, and... 'Bakugo?!'

Bakugo was also there with Tokoyami, fighting Kirishima.

'No wonder...'
You thought, as you changed/burned your aura into flames, and shot down to the ground.
You covered your hands with your flames, and shot them all over the place.

Kirishima grinned widely, seeing you.

Your flames weakened Dark shadow, as Tokoyami's eyes widened, as he jumped back- dodging another flame attack from you.

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