Chapter 76: New Intern pt.2

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A loud crash was heard not far away.

A villain was suctioning glass from the buildings and were threatening the citizens.

But Endeavor flew right on time as he stopped the villain's glass attack.

The villain started to run away, and Endeavor chased after him.
The four of you also followed behind.

The villain turned his way inside a alleyway, and there were his underlings trying to stop Endeavor.
Endeavor got past them, and the four of you were about to catch them, but familiar red feathers caught them first.


Hawks had came first, as he soon noticed you.

"Huh? Oh, intern students, is it?"
He said.
"Sorry I was just a little faster."

"I thought Endeavor was in trouble."

"Did it look like I was in trouble?"
Endeavor grumbled as he pinned the villain on the ground.
"I thought I told you to let me know when you were coming."

"Well, I just happened to be in place."
"N-Nice to meet you! I'm in U.A. High's hero course, Class 1-A! My name's Izuku Midoriya!"
Midoriya said to Hawks as soon as the police went away with the villain.

"Yeah, you're the one who broke your fingers before." Hawks said.
"I heard from Tokoyami. Man, I wanted to work with him again too."

"Where's Tokoyami? Isn't he continuing his work study at Hawks Agency?" Midoriya asked.

"I'm too busy, so Tokoyami is working with my sidekicks back at home. That includes Siji too."
He said, looking at you.

"Yeah, I heard."
You said and he nodded.

"I feel bad, if I had time, I would be working with them again."


"Earlier, I was faster than you." Bakugo said to Hawks.

"I don't think so, Bakugo."

"What do you want, Hawks?" Endeavor asked.

"I don't want anything, but... have you read this book?" Hawks held out a red book called: Meta Liberation War.

"What about it?"

"Well, you know, it's gotten really popular recently. It's from a long time ago, but it has predictions about the present. If you don't have time to read it all, I've highlighted some parts for you. So you can just read those parts."

"The leader of the Meta Liberation Army, Destro, ultimately wanted, you know—A society completed by personal responsibility!
It goes with the times!"

'Huh.. Hawks isn't someone who would say something like that...something's fishy here.'
You thought as you narrowed your eyes a bit.

"What are you saying?"
Endeavor asked.

"If that comes to fruition, then we'll have time on our hands." Hawk's expression turned into a serious one.

"Please make sure you read it." He said as he gave the book to Endeavor.

"The book the No.2 hero is pushing! I should read it too." Midoriya said.
"Maybe the secret to his speed is hidden in it!"

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