Chapter 1

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Narrator's Pov:

Y/N was a college student in their early 20's, who's been working very hard to achieve their goals for the past years.

She learned for exams and read a lot of books to help her throughout her college life.

Even finding the time to work at a local flower shop, earning a bit of extra money, to save up for her future and expenses.

Everything was going well, perfect even.. until.

Y/N's Pov:

*beep beep beep beep*


It was early in the morning, and after the alarm went off, I was lying lazily in bed, with my feet hanging off my bed, out of the blanket.

'I dont want to get up...'

I groaned and got up after a good 10 minutes and git ready for the day.


Once I arrived downstairs in the kitchen to have breakfast, my phone went off.

I looked at it to see who was calling me.

My Parents.

I was about to pick up the call but was cut off by a ring at the door.

Who could be ringing at my door at 8 AM in the morning?

You know what? Don't answer that..

With that said, I went to check who it was.

I opened the door and noticed a package on the front door step.


I was suspicious of the package, and whoever placed it there.

Being a bit paranoid, I took the package and went inside.

It's totally the right thing to do. Not.

I guess I let my curiosity take over, not thinking that my actions might have consequences.

placing the package on the dining table and leaving the room to get a paper cutter, I couldn't help but have the feeling of being... watched..

Once I found one and went back to the kitchen to open the package, I did get quite an erie kind of feeling while holding the package.

Little did I know that my gut feeling, to step away for this package, was warning me.

Opening the package, there was a VR headset and a game in it.

A wave of excitement hit me.. followed by a feeling of uneasyness.

Taking it out of the box, I looked at it from all sides.

"I wonder who sent it.." she mumbled to herself.

It was my birthday, so it could be a present from someone I know.


I went upstairs, somewhat focused on the 'suspicious' headset, ignoring my ringing phone that I left downstairs.

I connected the headset with my PC and set everything up before placing the disk of the game in the disk slot in my PC.

Putting on the headset and turning it on, it didn't take long until the game start screen appeared reading.

'The Amazing Digital Circus'

It seemed Circus themed and the name wad catchy.

"This seems fun."

She started the game.

The next thing I knew, I was blinded by a bright white light.

I shrieked and tried to turn off the headset or even trued taking it off, but sadly, with no luck.

I started to panic a bit, and soon after, everything went black.



Not some NPC ~ Jax x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now