7 And If You Go, I Wanna Go With You

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My plan failed thanks to Steven. Now I will be dead in no time. When he finds me he is gonna kill me with plesure. I know he will. All that I remember from last night was that Axl and Steven were crying. Maybe they cared about me.

When I woke up I was alone in his bed. I looked at the bathroom door, it was locked. Axl exited the bathroom and crawled in the bed right next to me. I pretended I was asleep.

'' Hazel, you are the biggest bipolar person that I've seen in my life. One second you're laughing and the next one you try to kill yourself. I'm a bit bipolar to but not that much. I can laugh and ther cry, not laugh and the die.'' He said wrapping his hands around my waist. This time he didn't touch my wound. ''Goodnight, hope your was well cus mine was torture.'' He wispered into my ear and I fell back to sleep imediatly.


I felt the bed moving. It was still dark outside. Axl was still in the bed so he couldn't couse the moving unless...it was an earthquick. I jumped out of bed and I tapped Axl's arm.

''Wake up Axl, now!'' I said trying not to yell.

''What do you want Kamikaze?'' Wierd nickname but anyway he was right, I was kind of a kamikaze.

''It's an earthquick, C'mon we need to leave the building.'' When he heard my words his eyes shot open he grabbed 2 jackets and took my hand. We made it outside the building but i felt like I forgot something.

''Don't you feel like we forgot something?'' He asked.

''I do... STEVEN!!!! HE'S STILL IN THERE!'' now I was scared.

When the earthquick stoped I run back to the apartment and in Steven's room. Thank god he was okay, he was sleeping like a child.

We went back to bed and none of us woke up till morning.


I woke up at the smell of coffe. I went to the bathroom and was my face, teeth, all that stuff. I went in the living room and found Steven, Axl and Slash on the couch. Izzy and Duff were in the kitchen. When Izzy saw me he waved at me and I waved back. I took a cup of coffe and sit down on the couch. Duff and Izzy came in the living room. Slash raised himself and started talking.

''We are an amazing band, and I have to make an announcement, since we have our first album out, Motley needs a band to open for them..Now connect the dots.'' No one said enything. ''Idiots, THEY WANT US TO TOUR WITH THEM. Vince asked me last night if we want to, and I'm sorry that I dind't asked for your opinion, BUT I SAID Yes and our manager said it a amazing opportunity. Their last band dumped them and they want us to open for them.''

''You serios?'' Izzy asked him with a smirk on his face.

''Yeah man.''Slash was truly happy now.

''When? For how long? I need details!!!'' Axl said looking a second at me.

''Tomorrow, at 10AM, the PRIVAT JET leaves to NEW YORK. The tour will be like 3, 4 months, it's just in USA.''

''I need to make a phone call.'' he said and picked up the phone.

All the guys were so exited, I was happy for them but I didn't wanna them to leave. If they left I was all alone once again. Maybe that wasn't a bad thing, if I was alone there will be no Steven to ruin my plans.


After all the guys left it was just me and Axl in the appartment.


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