10 You Ain't The First/ Said But You Been The Worst

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I just left 3 lines of coke next to her and left. I really had no intention of making her cry. All I wanted was to make some sort of conversation. I felt like a cunt. She'd already been through enough and now I was making her cry over her mother. For fuck's sake. I had a connection with her, I did not want to fuck that up.

We were still on the plane. We'd be landing in New York in about two hours or so. Nikki and Tommy were totally high, Vince was sleeping, Mick was so drunk he could not stand on his own, Izzy was playing cards with Duff and Steven, and Axl was sleeping on the couch, I had no one to talk to or spend time with. Hazel was still lying on the floor. I picked her up slowly so as not to wake her. The couch was occupied by the redhead, so I put her on the other sofa. Her sleep was so peaceful. Her eyes were still puffy and a little red, but she was still beautiful.

As I went to snort one of the lines, I heard my name being called.

"Slash, where are you going?" she asked tiredly, her voice cracking.

"Just going to get a line, want one?" I hoped she would say no, but of course she did not.

"Yeah please..."

When I went back to Axl, where the coke was, I saw that one line was no longer there. The white powder was on Axl's nose, so I figured he had snorted it and went back to sleep. Now there were only 2 lines left, so I took the plate back. She was standing there with a drink and a joint in her hand, looking out of it.

"Where did you get that?" I wanted a joint too.

"The drink or the joint?" When she asked ironically, she handed me a joint and a bottle of Jack.

"All right, thanks. And here's your payment." I said having my line and handed her the bill. She snorted just as fast tilting her head back.

"Well, that's much better," she said, giggling slightly.

"Sure is." I couldn't agree more. I had the three things I loved most, coke, joints, Jack, and as a bonus, a beautiful girl to enjoy all those things with.


After a few more lines and joints and a lot of Jack, I can proudly say we were wasted.
I smoked 3 joints, snorted 2 or 3 lines and drank half of Slash's JD. I felt so good, until one moment.
"I'm going to the toilet." I said and hurried there. The door was locked. Crap. "Can you please open the door?" I said, trying not to throw up on the floor. When the door opened, I didn't care who was there. I knelt in front of the toilet and let it all out. I felt someone reach into my hair and saw a ginger strand. It was Axl.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I was still on my knees.

"What do you think?" I straightened up and quickly brushed my teeth. As I was leaving the bathroom, I saw green stars and fell into someone's arms.

"Gotcha." Slash said as he lifted me up, Axl still looking at us. He could barely hold himself up. After a moment, we both fell back. I was lucky I landed on top of him. He looked me straight in the eye and kissed me. I was shocked, but after a moment I gave in.


You are jealous.
No I am not, shut the fuck up.
Yes you are, just look at you.
Maybe I am, but only because I like her.
You do not like her, you LOOOVE her.
YEAH, sure. It's as clear as the sky that you do.

She was still kissing him passionately. I could not watch this, I had to do something. I pushed her off him.

"WTF man?" Slash said, not understanding why I was doing this.

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