16 Bad Obsession

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Hazel POV

I woke up. It was 11 am and Axl was still asleep. I opened the door and walked out. I went down the hall and knocked at a door, I believed it was Emi's room. Mick opened.

"Hi, you looking for someone?" he asked looking tired.

"Yes, is Emi here?" I asked him. Even though I knew her for a little time I liked her company and I could use some of her's now.

"No, sorry. I don't know were she is. I have to go, pack some things with the boys. You can search for her if you want. If you find her tell her that I need to talk to her." he said leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I really wanted to do something so I went back to my room. Axl was still asleep, no surprise.

"Axl..." no response. "Aaaaxl, wake up. Please wake up, I'm bored" I felt the urge to talk to someone.

"Hmm..." He hummed.

"I'm bored, I want to do something, please wake up." I shoke him till he finally opened his eyes.

"I'm up, I'm up. What's wrong with you, why don't you sleep" he asked with a low voice.

"It's already 11 am. I'm bored, I want to do something."

"God... You're like a little kid. Go eat something, get high, drunk and let me sleep, that's what I do when I'm bored." after he said that he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the bed beside him. I wanted to kiss him but he pulled away.

"Hey, what' wrong?" I was shocked and took 'a step' back. Axl Rose, AXL FUCKING ROSE refused a kiss.

"Nothing, why would you think something is wrong?" and again he grabbed my wrist and pulled me beside him.

"You, AXL ROSE, AXL FUCKIN ROSE refused a kiss? This day should be marked, like a national day or something." I said giggling.

"Don't be rediculous, I just woke up and you started to kiss me like an obsessed girl." He said with a stern voice like he didn't care but I knew he wasn't serious. That hurt.

"Meybe I am, maybe I'm not. Who knows? If I kiss you it would be nice to kiss me back. If you don't mind of course." I said smirking knowing he couldn't deny such an offer.

"Unfortunately I may mind. Sorry." he raised himself from bed and I followed him.

"Hey I-" I didn't have the chance to finish my sentence when he grabbed me and kissed me, not letting me go. After some more kisses he took a step back as if nothing happened.

"Why are you doing this? You think is funny?" I said laughing a bit. This was strange, he never did that, like never, refusing a kiss then kiss me like crazy?

"Do what? " he said with a smirk.

"Teasing me. Why are you doing this? I know for a fact that you enjoyed it so why?" I was confused.

"Don't know, I like to see you wanting something and struggling having what you want." he said while he get dressed.

"You don't know what I want." Why does he know I want him, was I so easy to read?

"Is that so? Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to kiss me." he said with the same smirk but this time he giggled.

I didn't said anything for a good amount of time then gave in. "Ugh... Fine, you're right."

"See...I know what you want." he said giggling.

"You fucking like to tease people." I giggled too.

"Of course I do, it's funny seeing you like that but OK, give me a reason why and I'll stop teasing you today."

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