17 Wild Side

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"What the fuck happened?" I asked.

"I'm d-drunk." Hazel stated with a grin on her face.

"Obviously. Slash?" I asked hoping he would say something.

"We are drunk. That's all. And she won't remember a single thing. Look at her, she can't even stand on her own, let alone remember this." he explained sounding more sober than her. "Rosie," he called her. "let's get you to bed."

"Finally." she responded. Slash picked her up and carried her to her room.

"Hurry the fuck up." I rushed him. Axl should be here by now. I told him I'd came back and I didn't. Luckily, I found our jackets at least.

He rested her on the bed covering her with the sheets.

"Rosie, if you don't want to sleep, at least, pretend you're asleep sweetie." Slash told her smiling. It was enough for him to tell that and she immediately pretended to be asleep. I walked out of the room dragging Slash along and closing the door behind us.

"You gonna say something, or pretend nothing happened." I asked him rhetorically.

He waited a few seconds, pretending he was thinking about it, then he answered.

"Pretend nothing happened." He decided and wanted to leave.

"You said you wouldn't do that again." I reminded, he stopped and spun around.

"She won't remember it." He said shrugging his shoulders. It was true, she won't but that doesn't mean she would be okay if she finds out.

"True, but you know what that means?" I asked him not receiving any reaction. "It means you used her." I explained. He looked at me like I he saw a ghost.

"That's not true." He argued back. "Definitely not true." He denied again. It wasn't like he truly took advantage of her, - which he kind of did, even though she didn't back off - but it sure wasn't right. He knew she was with Axl and still did it.

"You realize you kind of took advantage of her?" I asked.

"I did nothing wrong Izzy stop worrying." He denied - again as the first time. He wasn't stupid, even if he was drunk he still knew what he was doing, I knew him for long enough to realize that him being drunk wasn't an excuse.

"You're not gonna tell her, aren't you?" I asked him even though I kinda knew the answer.

"Why would I?" he responded with a question. "She's not gonna remember it anyway."

"Slash, it's not cool. You promised her you would stop it." I said nodding my head in disapproval.

"I know, but I can't." He said super relaxed like it was not such a big of a deal. He left straight to his room and I was left standing in the hall.

"Man, you said you'd come back." Axl said walking past me and going to him room, where Hazel was sleeping - or at least pretend to. How did he not saw Slash or overhead the conversation? Better if he doesn't anyway. "Is she sleeping? "

"I don't know." I shrugged walking after him handing the jacket.

"Thanks." He said taking it. "Haze, you asleep?" he asked. She couldn't put on her best performance and started giggling.

"Yes, I'm asleep." she said as he snatched the blanket from her grasp and throwing it on the floor.

"No you're not." He said and took her up on his lap. "You smell like alcohol." He stated. "You drank again?"

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