6 You're Crazy

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Last night- memory

Last night after the party started I had a shot of Vodka from Jason. I craved ecstasy. The only problem was that my dealer thought I was dead so the only persone that poped out in my mind was NIKKI. I saw that HE was standing alone in the balcony so I decided to go talk to him.

''Hi...so, you having fun?'' I asked just to make a small talk. I didn't really cared.

''I m fine, you?'' He said loocking at my wound. I was wearing a crop top.

''Fine ..'' I said covering my stomach.

''I m sorry that I kinda took advantage of you. Is there any way that I could make it up to you?

''Actually there is, I crave ecstasy, and you're the only person that I know that has drugs, so, do you think you can make that happen?'' I looked at him with pleading eyes.

''Yeah, sure. Just that?'' he asks.

''Maybe a bit of heroin but thats all.'' I didn't really wanted heroin , but it s good to have some.''

''What do you say if we meet tomorrow at 7 PM at Whisky?''

''Perfect.'' I couldent wait to have ecstasy in my system again.

''You were a good fuck btw.'' He said with a smirk on his lips. ''I was a virgin.'' I said not really thinking before that. ''WHAT, you're serious?'' he lookd surpised. ''Yeah...'' I said chuckling. "Well.... In that case, you were WONDERFUL... maybe next tim-'' he said with a bigger smirk on his beautiful piercing green eyes but I cut him of. ''Don't you dare think about a next time" I said leaving. Nikki looked after me and shouted : ''OKAY ,I WON'T BABE....."

End of memoy

Present time


It was already 6:30 PM and she was still asleep, undersandable since she hasn't slept all night. I was chating with Steve about new songs when Haz opened the bedroom door.

" Hi Steve, what are you doing here?" She asked rubbing her beautiful eyes"

" Just chating about new songs, wanna join?" I said.

" What time is it again?" she asked.

"It's 07:00 PM, why?"I answered.

"Fuck...I need to go. I'm sorry. " she grabbed her purse hurrying .

"Need a lift?" I asked her. I wanted her to talk to me again. I know she was mad at me, I snapped at her, she had a point, and I know beeing drunk wasn't an excuse.

"No, I'm in a rush, thanks tho."

She left the apartament without saying another word.

"What's up with her?" Steven turn his had to me curiosly.

"I don't know man, wish I knew" I said. '' I think she is mad at me, last night we argued and she left and didn't return till the sun came up.''

''Shit man.. Did you apologised to her?'' he asked.

''Yes but she just doesen't listen to me.'' I really tried to say sorry to her last night but she just left.

''Axl, I have an important question." Steven sais and I paid attention to him.

''Do you like her?'' Steve looked me dead in the eye.

''Who's her?" I tried to play dumb.

"Hazel Axl, Hazel. Do you like her or not?'' I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I liked her or not. I didn't know how I felt about her but now I was sure that I didn't hate her.

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