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(Do we have any Dream Theater fans out here? Check out the song 'A nightmare to remember' by Dream Theater, you won't regret it, I promise.)


I tried to escape from that man's grip but he was to strong. He hit my head so strong that I fell on the ground and then I don't remember a single thing, blank.


I woke up with a severe headache and I heard some man talking but I couldn't figure out what. I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry. Someone was holding me and I looked up.

"Thank God your awake." A voice whispered. I recognized the voice, but I couldn't tell whose it was. The last thing I remembered was that some guy threatened me with a gun and Nikki with Slash beating up another guy.

"Nikki?" I asked softly hoping it was Nikki.

"Yes, it's me." He kept his voice down.

"Taci acolo in spate! (I'm gonna translate this time: Shut up back there!)" I heard someone speak in romanian for the first time in years. What the actual fuck was happening. I looked around. Salsh was passed out on the floor. It looked like we were in a van. It had some kind on wall between the driver seat and the compartment we were in with a small window.

"Cine naiba ești tu? ( Who the fuck are you?)" I asked that mam with my voice low.

"Serviciile Romaniei. (Romanian service.)"

"Ce naiba vrei de la mine, lasă-ne sa plecam! (What the fuck do you want from me, let us go!)" I said raising a bit my tone but Nikki stopped me. What the fuck did they want from me? They said they didn't want me anymore.

"Nu. O sa mergem frumos într-o excursie în România. Politia are nevoie de informații de la tine. Prietenii tai au devenit agresivi asa ca i am luat și pe ei. Acum taci dracului din GURĂ! (No. We are going to have a nice trip to Romania. The police needs information from you. Your friends got aggressive so we're also gonna need them. Now shut the FUCK UP! ) He shouted and closed the small window. What the fuck did just happened?

"Evident ca au devenit agresivi, ne-ai răpit! (Of course they were agresive, you kidnapped us!") I tried to yell but my head hurt to much. The man didn't respond back anymore.

"What did he say?" Nikki asked me curious. I moved to the other side to face him. I don't even know how to explain this to him.

"Oh my God, I don't even know how to tell you. You remember that time I read an article that said the police is no longer after me?" I asked him. That was a month ago so I wasn't sure he'd remember.

"Yeah, why?" We were whispering keeping our voices as low as possible.

"They lied to us. That man said he's from Romania service and he's taking me and you there." I said still trying to process I'm going back to my nightmare.

"How-How did they found you?" He asked in full shock.

"I have no idea...no idea." I said as shocked as him. I saw Slash was on the floor next to Nikki.

"What's with him?" I asked Nikki. I had no idea what to think anymore.

"I don't know, but he's breathing. All three of us were on the floor. I was the first to woke up then I tried to wake you up but you were passed out." He said looking at Slash. "I tried to wake him up but he just won't."

I got closer to Slash. I shook him, opened his eyes, slapped his face but he didn't wake up. He didn't seem to have anything, except that he didn't wake up, because he was breathing well. The only reason we could've passed out was if they gave us to breath chloroform, or at least that's what I was thinking.

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