1 I Think About You

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Hazel POV

"It's already 9 pm, I thing I'm gonna head home, is that okay with you? " I ask Suzie as I grabed my things, my shift ended lika an hour ago.

"Ah c'mon, don't leave now! My shift just started, it will be boring here without you, plus there's a roumer that some rockstars will hit our club. What do you say?"

"OK, but you pay for my drinks."

"Ughhhh, FINE."

I walked behind the bar and start talking orders again. The men here are wierd, they even put my tips into my bra, like WTF? Anyway, it's now 10 pm and I'm really tired. Some guy with puffy blond hear, and beautifull smile comes.

"Hay, can I get a limonade with strawberrys?" The pretty boy asked me in a happy tone.

"Just that? You're at a stripclub and you want a limonade?" He just nods." OK"

"Hey, you are really cute, and btw, my name is Steven." He says with a wide smile.

"I'm Hazel, nice to meet you. So you are here alone?" I said making his lemonade. "If so, it's a bit sad"

"No, my buddys should be here by now, but they are always late."


Time passes, and a me and Steve just talk about our lives.

"You know, my band and I, I'm the drummer BTW, will have a gig tomorrow night at Whisky, would you like to come? You will have the chance to meet the band, we will play our first album."

"That's sweet of you, but I have to work." I say in a sad tone.

"That's no problem, you' ll come with me backstageas you are my friend now." He says with the biggest smile on his futers that I ve a seen in my fucking entire life.

"I still can't, if I don't work a day I lose 50 bucks." I really wanted to go, but I didn't have a choice.

"I will give you 50 bucks, I really like you, you seem like a cool gir, but please it will be so fun. My friends are gonna love you"

As he finishes he's sentence a group drunk man comes in. They kinda forced Steven to leave.

"Oh, c'mon Steven, we need to fucking GO. Stop chatting with whores, they come and they go! " The strawberry blonde one shouts.


"Your friend my ass. She just wants your money, we have bitches at HOME SO COME THE FUCK NOW WITH US NOW." The curly one said.

I was stunned by their attitude, they acted like they owned him.

"Leave the fucker here, if he wants to get drunk alone let him." The greasy haired one said with a disappointment on his face.

"He just wanted to drink a lemonade. Not like you, all of you stink like alcohol." I sternly say.


"Oh, c'mon Axl, let's leave him here while he get wasted at Nikki's." The tall one said.

"NO DUFF, HE'S GETTING WITH US". The curly guy said in a stern tone.

"I wanna go to Nikki's but I'm not leaving her here." I was surprised that he told that. We genuinely knew eachother for 2 hours or something.

"Cmon Steve, let's leave."

"NO" Steve said.

"YES" Axl shouts.

"No, not without her!"

"OK, fine, bring your little BITCH with us but just let's go."Axl shouts again.

"I don't wanna go." I said

"Sure you do, it's gonna be fun!! " Steven took ma hand and I gave in.


I was in the car between Slash and Axl, I found out later everybody's names.


This bitch is annoying. I think I hate her already. Yeah, she may be hot and all, but she's still a whore.

"So you guys are in a band? "she asked shyly.

"Why do you care, it's not like you know anything about music. " I was mean to her, I know, but that's how I react when I met new people. It's my own way to protect myself from people having childhood trauma.

"Shout up, you act like you know every god damn thing." she said with a tired voice, she had pretty voice.

You should not be thinking that Axl. She's a whore, remember.

"I actually do!" I say in a proud tone.
"Yeah, whatever..." she sad in a <You think I'm that dumb? > tone.

"Soooo, what's your name?" I ask breaking the silence and after one second she looks at me like I'm some kid of monster.

"You already know asshole, I'm bitch whore."

I took a moment to think a good comeback.

"It's such a pity that you're such a Bitch...." I say in a very deep voice. She thinks she's smart, well I'M SMARTER.

Steven was driving in silence until he broke it.

"Hey, you still up for the show?"

"I don't know, I have work" she said

"C'mon Hazel, don't be such a tease." Steve was practically begging her.

"So your name is Hazel, liar." I said under my breath.

"MAMA I'M GONNA BE YOUR SLAVE..." Izzy shouts from the back of the car.

"ALL DAY LONG" I shout cuz I FUCKING love QUEEN.

"Mama I'm gonna try behave all day long." she sang too. 

"Ok, I'm going to you gig with on condition. You still have to pay for me!" I knew I didn't have the money because I had to pay back a dealer that I oftenly bought coke and joints from.

"No, it's okay babe, your covered. You go backstage with us." Slash said drunkly.

"Why is she coming to our gig again?" I said confused.

"Cus I said so." Duff tells me waking up from his drunken state.

"Yeah, cuz we said so!" Izzy agreed with Duff.

Why were they treating her like a princess? Now I felt bad.

We finally arrived at Nikki's. We jumped the windows because the door was locked.

"LET'S START THIS MOTERFUCKING PARTY!!!!!!" Nikki shouts like he was shouting at the fucking devil.


'Till next chapter... ( Iiii...wanna ) Rock N' Roll all nite ( and party everyday. ) 🌃🌃

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