14 Freezing Moon

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The next day was awsome. I woke up full of energy and everything went just perfect. The opening show went great, Guns were great. The Crüe's show was perfect. Everything was awsome. After the show the guys wanted to go to a strip club and honestly? It didn't bother me one bit, of course, as long as Axl didn't had some whore over him and from what I saw, he did not.

I said that the day was awsome. Well, the day was, but as soon as we got to the club things got tricky. And tricky is nice said and it all started when I wanted to play pool.

We all arrived at that club. Sience the moment we walked in groupies were all over the boys, one even tried to pull on Axl but he shoved her away. We all sat at a big table. Vince already had 2 bitches on him...What am I talking about, almost all of them had all kind of girls all over them.


After an hour or so at midnight, almost all the guys left with their new gilr-friends in the rooms upstairs. This was a club that had rooms for people to do their bussines in with their one night stands. Every club should have this kind of rooms. Like, I don't wanna see anyones dick when I'm drinking. the only boys that were still with me drinking were Axl, of course, and Slash. The club was full. Tonight we were supposed to leave at 4 am, thank God we had our luggage ready. We were all drunk and honest, I was a bit drunk too. Okay, maybe I was more then a bit but that doesn't matter, I'm just enjoying my life. Slash and Axl were talking some shits and I just looked at the people in here. There were a lot of old men playing pool and honestly, I wanted to play too.

''You guys wanna play some pool?'' I asked them and they stopped talking.

''Yeah sure, just wait a minute, I'm going outside to take some air and maybe smoke a cig too." Axl said lifting himself from the couch. He looked pretty sober that night. I'm not saying he was, I'm not sure, but he didn't looked too drunk.

"I'll go with you." Slash said following him. "You okay if you stay here for a bit?" Slash asked me and I just nodded.

I got bored after 30 seconds so I decided to go play pool with the guys at the table. They didn't looked too strange so I think it's okay for a game, or half a game, or till the guys come back.

"Can I join you?" I asked seeing that they were playing in teams. One team was with 2 players and one was playing by himself.

"Sure, you can join me if you want." The one that played alone told me. He looked about 30 or something. The game didn't last long after I joined. I mean I played for 5 minutes, what a long and interesting game.

"I have a better cue in one of the rooms upstairs. Do you want to come with me to search for it?" He asked me as a smirk appeared on his thin lips. I was hesitant.

"My friends should be back in a short time and they will search for me." I tried to make an excuse not thinking it was the best idea in the world.

"We won't be away for too long. Just some minutes and after that we can play again if you want." He tries to convince me. After a moment I accepted. I mean it was just a bit of searching, nothing dangerous.

I followed him upstairs and he led me to the last room of the corridor. There were moans from every single room. It was funny knowing that your friends were in there. He opened the door for me and the closed it behind me.

"Can you see if it's under the bed while I look in the cupboard?" He asked me and I didn't think to much about it. I kneeled in front of the bed and looked under it. I didn't see any cue. When I was rising myself from the ground I felt a hand slapping my butt.

"What are you doing?" I faced him. His tiny grin from earlier was now all over his face.

"Nothing." He said pretending nothing happened.

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