11 Bad Medicine (Nov Rain)

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Dream. Flashback

3. July 1984 Hazel-15yo San Francisco.

Today was my aunt's birthday. She had promised me that we'd go out to celebrate. We didn't spend much time together, but today was different, it was her birthday. It was now 5pm and I was ready.

''Aunt Mary, I'm ready!'' I said, feeling very excited.

'Yeah, yeah, I'll be ready in a minute, Hazel,' she said, touching up her make-up.

She was really coquet and stylish. I admired her. When I grow up, I want to be just like her. She was an independent woman. Maybe a little too independent. I grew up with her, she was the only role model in my life and I loved her with all my heart. I think she loves me too, no, I'm sure she loves me. Even if I didn't have a father, at least I had her. Even if she didn't really take care of me, at least she tried. My parents abandoned me at birth, and she took on the responsibility of raising a child that wasn't hers, and I'll always be grateful to her for that. Most of the time she was at work, and when she came home she'd quickly ask me about my day and then go straight to sleep.

The only times she really spoke to me were when I had a serious problem. She was a busy woman raising a child alone, so I always understood why she was always tired and had a little drinking problem. She got drunk quite often, but she never hit me or anything like that, she just went into her room and turned the music up full blast. Maybe that's why I was into music. She always told me that music heals people and that listening to good music is the best decision someone can make in their life. When she was done with her makeup, she unlocked the door and we walked out.

''What are you up to?'' I asked her, wanting to know where we were going.

''I thought we could go to a restaurant and then maybe have a little party on our own.'' She sounded like she really wanted to spend some time with me.

The evening went great, and when we got home, she started drinking. We partied some more, then she went to her room. I drank 3 or 4 shots that night, so I wasn't completely sober. After a while I realised I needed some tampons, so I went to Mary's room.

''Aunt Mary, do you have any spare tampons?'' I asked her, but she didn't move a bit. Maybe she was already asleep, but with the loud music, I didn't think so. ''Aunt Mary, come on, wake up.'' I shook her shoulder, but she didn't respond. I panicked and called 911.

''911, what's your emergency?'' the lady asked.

''My aunt, she's not waking up. She's breathing, but she's not waking up.''

''Okay, try not to panic, what's your address?'' I gave the lady the address and after 10 minutes an ambulance was at my door. I opened it and the paramedics came in. I was crying frantically, I couldn't lose her, she was all I had. After a few minutes a medic came to me.

''Hazel, your aunt is fine, she was only passed out because of the alcohol. We found a lot of alcohol and some drugs in the house. We don't think it's safe for you to live with her, so we called child protective services and they agreed to take you....'' After he said << to take you>> I didn't hear anything. I couldn't believe it. That was a mistake. She was an amazing aunt. I'm not going, no.

The same night that Child Protective Services came to pick me up, I ran. I ran and ran and ran without looking back for a second. I told my aunt that I was going to LA and she said she'd look for me when she got out of rehab.

That same night I took a train and went to LA. I cried the whole time. From that moment on, I realised that I was on my own.

End of the dream

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