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"WAKE UP YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Duff yells in my ear. He can be really annoying sometimes.

"Fuck you... I'll be up in 5 minutes." I said closing my eyes and fell back asleep. Not even a moment later I feel cold water running down my neck. "WTF BRO??" Now I was annoyed.

"I told you to wake up. C'mon it's 11.30am." He sais as I get up.

"And?" I really wanted to catch some more sleep.

"We need to wake up the others. I go to Crüe and you to our's. Come on." and he left. I got to my feet and went out the door. The hallway was dark and silent. I knew that our rooms were in a row so I just went to the one next to mine. I slowly opened the door and I got in. I couldn't figure out who' room was it. Closing the door behind me I jumped out of fright.

"Hi Steven. I'm up but Slash's still out." Izzy said from a corner of the room. Why does he has to be like that? He's like an observ. He observers but doesn't talk that much.

"Well, wake him up. Do you know where Axl is?" I asked because Duff told me last night that he got his room but I didn't know where the redhead went.

"Actually yeah, I do. I saw them, Axl and Hazel were going in her room. It was 5 am when I saw them." Izzy said chuckling.

"Thank's man. Wake him up." I said pointing to Slash and closing the door behind me. The next door was Haze's so they should be in there. I got close to the door and again, slowly opening it. Again, all dark. I opens the bathroom light to see something and when I turned facing the bed I saw the cutest thing possible. Axl and Hazel were sleeping so peaceful. His arm was wrapped around her and she was with her knees at her chest. Honestly, I did not want to disturb this but I had to. Getting closer to bed I shoke Axl's shoulder.

"Axl, wake up please." I whispered being close to his face. He didn't react to me but instead he tighetnd his grip around the sleeping beauty. "Oh c'mon, don't make this hard man. Just wake up. It's 11.30."

"Okay...I'll meet you guys in a bit." he finally said his voice cracking. Yup, he slept like a little boy.

"Okay, wake her up too." I said as I walked out the door. OK, now let's go to eat. Damn, how I love food.


I didn't want to get up. I wanted to stay exactly like this for the rest of the day. But guess what, I had to wake. Today was the first official day of the tour. I will be up, yep, I'll be up... In 5 minutes. God night to you Axl.
After what felt like 2 minutes I opened my eyes again and looked at the clock on the wall. 12.20 FUCK! I should've been up an hour ago. Why didn't anyone come to wake me, assholes... I got up and searched for my clothes.

"Come back... Where you goin'?" I woke her up.

"Come on. You need to wake up, it's already 12:30. " I took the covers from her and she grownd.

"I'm not going enywhere."


"I don't feel well." Oh shit, she was on her period, of course she's not well. She took the covers from me and wrapped herself with them.

"That's okay. I'll go to breakfa-lunch and I'll bring you something." She just nodded and I went out of the room. As I went to thee little restaurant of the hotel the gang was already there. I just took a seat next to Nikki.

"Good morning." I said still sleepy rubbing my eyes.

"Morning? You mean afternoon." Nikki looked at me with confusion.

"Morning is when I woke up. Now, what do we do today." I was really not in the mood to just chat about all the shits.

"Dude, you were supposed to be here an hour ago, where have you been?" Steven asked with a small smile on his lips. Man, he was smiling constantly. I bet if he was at a funeral he would be happy for the dead that he escaped this wonderful world.

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