20 You're my best friend

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"The fuck you did!?" Steven hysterically asked the other drummer.

"I did the only fucking thing I could!" He snapped back. From what I've understood, I couldn't concentrate, they postponed the tour. I am so fucking-I don't even know how I feel. I was so scared, so fucking scared. I constantly felt a knot in my stomach and a pressure on my chest. I couldn't even express how the fuck I feel. "They're not here now, are they?! I told Doc they were kidnapped and he said the tour's fucking not happening until they're back!"

"No, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HIM? WHAT IF THEY COME BACK?" He yelled. I was close to fucking knock the lights out of them if they didn't stopped yelling.

"SURE, THEY'LL BE BACK BY LUNCH-" No, that was it. I'm too stressed to take their shit.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A FUCKING MOMENT! YOU THINK IF YOU ARGUE THEY'LL BE BACK? HUH? NO!" I yelled at both of them. Stvene sat back while Tommy threw his hands in the air sitting back next to Vince.

"Think Tommy, think! Did you see anything else on that car?" I tried to calm myself down.

"Fuck you Axl!" He snapped at me. The fuck did I do?!

"Tom, don't fucking snap at me, I didn't do shit! Now think what the fuck did you saw!" I firmly spoked every word locking my eyes with fish figure, but he didn't looked at me.

"I saw nothing. It was dark, so I didn't saw shit." He said his voice lowering a lot as he ran his hand through his wavy hair.

"Fuck..." I murmured. No one said anything, not a single sound. I turned the radio off to get my thoughts clear.

"May he rest in peace." Steven said making the sign of the cross.

"What?" I asked confused.

"It's dead silent, like a funeral." He said still his eyes glued to the floor.

"You having a laugh in this situation?" I asked glaring at him.

"Sorry." He said briefly meeting my eyes then quickly turning his attention back to the floor.

"What does a hammer and a sickle, one above the other mean?" The voice of Tommy was heard at the 'funeral', as Steven said.

"Communism." Izzy responded right after. Sometimes I wonder how he knew so many things. "Why?" He then proceeded to ask.

"I think I saw that symbol on the back of the car." He said taking a piece of paper and a pen and draw something on it. After a minute or sow he showed it to Izzy. "This?"

"Yeah, that's the communism symbol. What does that to do with anything?" He asked the Tommy back. So he remembered a thing, good.

"Didn't you said that country was communist?" He asked obviously trying to figure out something.

"Shit!" Izzy exclaimed in shook. What did he figured out, I had no idea.

"Ax, didn't you said they couldn't find the registration number?" Izzy asked me. How was that related to anything?

"Yes. She said it's not there. If Steven saw it how the fuck's not there!?" I tried to stay calm but I just couldn't. I couldn't!

"That's the thing. Look, it may be a fake registration number and that symbol, it might be linked with Romania somehow-" He said locking eyes with me. They said they didn't want her anymore...this couldn't be right.

"What are you saying?" I asked rubbing my eyes. I had lost it completely, I couldn't stay calm for a second. I was shaking one leg constantly.

"I'm saying if the number wasn't found and the car had that symbol and if they really lied to us about not searching for her anymore..." He stopped looking me dead in the eyes. "they took them to Romania..." He finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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