Trouble! Trouble! You're in Trouble!

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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"You look troubled."

"Huh?" A sunbeam caught in the woman's eyes as she glanced up from her phone, lighting up the E/C hues as they meet the concerned face of her villainous roommate. They had been sitting in silence for so long that she genuinely forgot he was even in the room with her. It was a comfortable silence. The both of them had been reading by the window, like usual, but after finishing the short story that had kept her occupied for a nearly two hours, his "captive" decided to check her phone to see if anyone had sent her any worried texts or calls.

     Lo and behold, a list of 35 missed messages and nearly 40 calls from her boss, coworkers, friends and, worst of all, Herald. A part of her was regretting giving him her number. He sent so many concerned texts, hoping that she might've been lucky enough to get ahold of the phone after being captured. She had left the phone on silent since the morning Saros left for breakfast yesterday morning and had tried avoiding looking at it to resist the temptation to ease anyone's worries. As much as she wanted to, it wasn't a bright idea, considering the situation at hand. She'd be flooded with questions about what happened, if she was okay, how she got her phone back, and the most dreaded outcome of all would be them trying to pinpoint her location.

     "It's nothing." Her dismissal was not easily believed after a quiet sigh followed it. It was well apparent in his eyes, but she ignored the look he gave as she set down her phone and drew up her knees to rest her arms on top of. Saros would not let go of it so easily, though. He didn't like seeing her upset.

     "Bullshit. Come on, out with it.

     "Nothing gets past you, does it?" For a moment, her expression cracked, revealing a tiny smile that eased him, but he still wished to know the cause of her misery. Perhaps, she didn't want to answer him, though, and he knew he had to let it go if that were the case. She cared enough to cease her pressing whenever he was in a bad mood, so he felt he should behave as kindly. If it truly bothers her, it will come out on its own.

     "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. You just look like someone killed your puppy." Flipping the page of his book, Saros returned to his read as her lips stretched a little wider.

     "I'm just getting a lot of worried calls from the people I know. I wish I could answer them, but I'd rather not get your organization in trouble. They'll just have to wait until I'm 'released' from the 'cruel cage' you're 'torturing' me in," she admits, speaking with sarcasm that amused Saros.

     "Yes, such cruel tortures, giving you a nice bed to cozy up to me in." His smirk grew as her foot playfully kicked his leg with a light tap.

     "Shut up!" Y/N's giggles quieted as her frown steadily returned. With her chin set atop her arms, she looked out the window and continued. "It's just frustrating, especially since Herald has my number. He's been messaging me the most."

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