what do you buy a girl for Christmas?

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What do you buy a girl for Christmas?

That had been a question joe had been asking himself for the whole of December. He had thought about it many times.
It was hard to come up with an answer to his own question when it confused him so much. He had never brought anything for a girl before, apart from maybe his mum and his nan and his sister but this was different. Having spent many hours on the internet googling all different things, it made him even more stuck. Websites with a tab saying 'christmas gifts for her' were very novelty and he found some of the things not appropriate for the occasion or the person he was buying for.

Dianne was his first girlfriend and even with the title of girlfriend, he didn't really understand what they were. It wasn't that things were complicated between them or he was unsure on his feelings because they weren't and he wasn't. He for sure liked her, alot. And he knew she felt the same about him but he had never done a relationship before. She had suddenly gone from his dance partner to the girl who was his. She was his girlfriend. She was meant to be the one who he loved and adored but he didn't feel that. He was anxious.

They had just spent 4 months straight together, glued at the hip, sometimes doing very intimate dances, so their relationship was good. There was no doubt about that. They liked eachother and there were strong feelings between them but in a few days she would be gone and it would be the first time she would be without him in 16 weeks. He worried that spending time apart would make her or even himself realise that they couldn't do this. Their relationship hadn't really come about in the most conventional way and they had been forced to hide. They had been given no chance to grow or learn about eachother outside of strictly. His worry was that he only knew dancer dianne. What if she went to Australia and came back to him as a completely different person? When she came back, she wouldnt be dancer dianne anymore. There would be no more strictly. Of course they had the tour but the time between her coming back to england and then was a big worry for him. He would see dianne in her natural everyday way and she would see him in that state too. What if when life was slow and somewhat normal, things between them were different and they found they much more enjoyed the secrecy and quietness of hiding what they had for eachother?

He decided to speak to her about it but not fully. He didn't want to scare her by putting all of his anxieties onto her shoulders and it weigh her down but he also didn't want to keep in in the dark about how he was feeling.
She was been assuring. She was very understanding, because she had felt the same way, but for her it was more of a question than a worry. It didn't bother her in the same way it bothered him. She was much more experienced in relationships than he was. She knew how to love, she knew how it worked and what to do. She had done it before and with her being slightly older and going through so many changes in her life; from touring, to moving across the world and even selling her hairdressing business to pursue her dancing dreams, she knew how life worked. Joe didn't as much. He had spent alot of his time to himself and he didn't know what to do. He now had this girl who he had to keep happy. It was his responsibility to keep her safe and make sure she was ok and help her if she needed him. He had to be reassuring and caring, and so with that he decided on her first Christmas present.

Chewton glen.

It was something his sister and alfie had booked and had invited him to join them as by the time the went he would of just finshed strictly and would need somewhere like the treehouse to relax.

He himself though had payed the extra money for dianne to come along too. It wasn't exactly cheap and she knew that. She knew from the minute she had walked into the place and saw the coffee machine, the jacuzzi- she had read that it had a spa on the information card and had seen he had booked her in for a massage.
Then when she approached the bedroom, she found he had ordered a bottle of champagne, which upon inspection, she found to be from a company she knew didn't go easy on their alcohol prices.

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