everthing has to come to an end

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⚠️emetaphobia warning⚠️
I've tried not to put a time frame on this chapter because it is about dianne leaving strictly which at the time of writing this hadn't happened yet and as I'm uploading this, it also still hasn't happened. I thought when I was writing this it would of came out after the pro announcement but its coming out before. Anyway it doesn't really matter as its all fictional anyway.

"I really wish I could come and see you right now but I couldn't get out of work until 5. I nearly missed the train here. You knew I would of come and hung out with you for abit if I had time but the show starts in what....?"

"Twenty five minutes"

"Yeah exactly. If I was on time, we could of gone for a coffee or a little bit of food. I will make it up to you I promise. We can go out for dinner tomorrow maybe"

"Thank you. You don't need to make it up to me just because of this. It wasn't something you could help and you don't need to treat me. I don't mind just chilling with you all day tomorrow. If I'm being honest...that's kinda what I want to do but I know you would of come and hung out. Don't worry though, I dont mind. I'll see you after anyway, I know where you're sat and you've got seats with johaness who isn't exactly hard to spot in a crowd, so I'll wave to the both of you. I'll give you a big cuddle after, I know you've missed me probably even more than I've missed you"
It had been quite a stressful afternoon  for joe who had been told his meeting would finish at 4 but actually finshed at 5. He didn't think he'd make it intime at all but he had and now was stood in the lobby of the o2 waiting to be taken through to his seat for the final show of the strictly come dancing tour which was starting very very soon.

"Stop trying to make me look soppy"
He joked, knowing how much dianne liked to make fun of him for hoe having a girlfriend had turned him soft.

"No, you know now that's its practically embodied into your personality by now. You're so whipped and I know full well Joseph that our separation anxiety issues is definitely more of a you than a me problem. It's ok to admit that you miss your girlfriend sometimes"
She giggled, joe hoping she wasn't close enough to anyone that could hear her expose their as she put it 'separation anxiety issues'. If it was any of his mates, he knew he would be teased for the rest of time if they knew how they both got when they were away from eachother.

"Hey, stop! It's not funny. I seriously seriously miss you like crazy and I do admit that sometimes. Just not as much as I think it. I just play it down to everyone because it is like....extreme how much I miss you"
He admitted, knowing that the loud array of people queuing up around him would be enough to muffle his admission of how much he missed her.

"I know, i miss you too but god- I thought I was bad but you Joseph; this seems like a real 'issue' this time round"
They hadn't seen eachother in the 3 weeks she had been away. He would normally come and see her more and the fact he wasn't visiting until now, hethought was quite bad but dianne didn't mind. She understood how busy he was with work and understood. She was so incredibly lucky to have him come tonight. Joe however felt alot more guilty. Their problems with separation anxiety were never normally as bad as joe had experienced this time round and so to get to see her tonight, he could wait to just wrap her up in his arms.

"Ok sorry, I'll stop now. I know you don't like being teased about it because I know how you feel. Are you excited for the show?"
She asked him, with it being his first time, he didn't really know what to expect.  

"I'm so excited. I always feel abit funny when I watch you dance. I'm so proud and feel like I'm sort of showing you off even when I'm not dancing with you. Like, this is my girlfriend. Look how hot and talented she is"

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