protection and a little bit of jealousy

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This chapters a little mature during the middle and towards the end but in saying that I really enjoyed writing this and portraying dianne in more of a jealous way which I hardly ever do. We see her take control in this chapter which I really enjoyed writing. This is a chapter I've been writing the past few days. Normally I write and leave it for weeks before uploading but I've just finished this now. I only have 3 chapters pre written left to upload and I don't have alot of motivation so if you'd like to suggest some ideas, it would be nice to hear them. ALSO, last week I met dianne for the very first time and it was quite an experience because I was walking down the street, lifted my head and she was just there. I also got to see pro tour for the first time too, which was absolutely incredible and I've got to make it a yearly thing from now on.

May 2019

"Hey, hang on, let me switch to video call, I'm curling my hair"
Dianne shouted as she accepted a call from her best friend back at home, Megan, who she hadn't seen for a good few years. Despite going back to Australia at Christmas, the two girls hadn't had the chance to catch up in real life due to some of Megan's work commitments which were still fueled by busy burn the floor shows. Even though they both had hectic lives, their weekly phone call catchup was still part of their regular routine. Being on opposite sides of the world to eachother was never easy, but dianne had learnt how to get on with life and ignore the fact she was over 9000 miles from all her family and the friends she had grown up with.

"There you go I can see you now. Sorry I'm getting ready"
Dianne smiled putting her phone up againts her mirror.

"Ooo, what for?"
Meg smiled, already knowing diannes answer. She had just got back from her first leg of her here come the girls tour with Amy and chloe, it was her first night home in almost 3 weeks. Meg knew exactly where she was going. Well she didn't...but she did know exactly who she was going with.

"Joes taking me on a date"
Dianne smiled to herself trying to hide the shade of pink growing up her cheeks. Even just thinking about it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside as if she was a teenager again being asked out for the very first time.


"What do you mean, again?"
Dianne giggled, but she knew Meg was right.

"You spend every waking minute with that boy when you're not on tour"

"I know but..."
Dianne blushed.

"I know Di, you're in love. You can't help it. That boy absolutely spoils you and its what you deserve. I can't blame you for wanting to be with him every hour and every second of the day"
She said. She was actually really happy for dianne. She had been there through some of her worst breakups and at any mention of the years 2013-2015, Meg was the first to jump in and stop anyone from bringing up the absolute idiot dianne dated back then. In reality though, Meg had seen dianne at her best and at her worst. From completion days until she moved to the UK, Megan and dianne were inseparable and they still were, well physically they weren't but they still were one another's best friend. Their careers once meant they were together all the time, sharing a cabin on the dancing cruises and hotel rooms at competitions. There had been many laughs and gossip about boys in those shared rooms together but also tears. Megan was the more stable out of the two of them. She didn't like to addmit it out of fear it would make dianne think about her past relationships, which, not all were good. There had been a few occasions where Meg had to comfort a crying dianne who had the classic debate of stay or leave in her sometimes chaotic relationships. But Meg had a feeling deep down that she wouldn't be doing that this time round.

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