Chapter 3 #broppy wedding day 😀 and kidnaped away

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   *The next day has finally come, the day everyone was excited for but no one was the most excited than king peppy,viva,brozone,poppy and branch but branch was probably even more excited than them because he will be marrying the love of his life. Branch was in his bunker with his brothers getting ready while poppy was in her pod with her father and sister getting ready while also packing since she will be moving in with branches bunker* Ohhh poppy my sweet little girl you getting married which now makes you a grown troll *cries a little* ohhh you're getting married - said king peppy yeah my baby sis is getting married! - said viva i know i know i can't believe it either im finally getting married - said poppy every pop troll including myself always thought you were gonna mar- don't say it dad lets not ruin the moment ok? - said/asks poppy right * clears throat* o-of c-course honey I forgot I banned ever saying that troll's name again - said king peppy who are you guys talking about - asks viva n-no one at all sis no one important i'll tell you some other day - said poppy oh okay? Anway let's go sister of mine we gotta get you ready-said viva*

* meanwhile in branches bunker was not as calm as poppy's pod* branch man you got this your gonna do great - said john dory yeah you got nothing to worry about i did this so... you want some marriage advice branch - said spruce (bruce) s-sure i guess that could help me with my nerves so yes bruce (spruce) i would love some already married advice - said branch huh a-alright than *coughs and clears throat* when your about to get married you soon get the case of cold feet but to forget about the cold feet and get brave again is to think of why your marrying your girl man and why you love her so much do that branch as i did and your wedding will be a wedding that goes down in smooth sailing-said bruce(spruce) w-wow t-thanks bruce(spruce) i think that worked ... yeah i don't feel afraid i feel brave to go out their and marry queen poppy right this instance-yelled/ cheered branch * all of branches brothers smile at him usually its floyd helping branch with pep talks but i guess after a whole year of reuniting everyone has a strong bond and can help each other out no matter what* well whaddya say branch lets get you ready cuz the wedding starts in half an hour - says clay *Oo branches eyes winded at the clock and clay was right he only had thirty minutes to get dressed since he was only standing in his underwear and had to comb his hair, brush his teeth and not to mention the rings and his brothers also had to get ready. Branch looked like he was about to panic like way more than when he got poppy's name at the secret gift swap* Woah branch calm down before you panic we all have enough time you have enough time baby brother just remember breath and you'll do great out their i believe in you we all believe in you grandma believes in you and im sure shes very proud of you - says floyd * branch starts to tear a little of what floyd just said* al-alright let's do this my brothers- said branch alright way to go floyd you always know how to give a speech- said spruce(bruce),clay and john dory* hehe hehe thank you my brothers now let's get branch married-said floyd.

*Approximately thirty minutes later * its our wedding day song plays in the music white branch and poppy sing it in their minds* every troll from every tribe gathered even the putt putt trolls even the burgins and bruce(spruce)s family and of course crimp and veneer who recently got pardoned from good behavior and is now living in troll kingdom since he has no other family gathered in the middle of bergen town, all the creators who were too tall had to sit behind but still able to see the wedding every creature was taking their seats and tiny diamond was the flower "man" again and branch with his brothers along side with viva and the snack pack and cloud guy who is the priest was standing in the middle branch had the biggest smile ever as did every creature. It was sunny and not even a cloud was in the sky which was really saying something about cloud guy telling his buddies to not be in the sky at all for today is special he told them and so they did it. The classical trolls begun to play their soft music and when every creature turned their heads around they saw poppy and king peppy in everyone's eyes queen poppy looked like an angel when she started talking down the aisle in branches eyes everything just stopped and poppy looked as if she was talking in slow motion small tears began to form in his eyes as everything went back to normal speed as poppy got on the side and got his hands into hers in a tight grip as cloud guy begun to speak* * dear creatures that we are friends with we are gathered here to celebrate this special union this amazing-sauce girl queen poppy and this troll who used to be dumpy diapers to the world but now just to me always and forever but *coughs* i am not here to tease branch im here to wed them so bran-says cloud guy * Stop the wedding- says the mysterious troll hooded stranger * every creature gasps and the pop trolls and bergens get deja vu for when john dory did this to queen bridget and king gristle on their wedding day but the strangers voice sounded branch and poppy gasps even louder and let go of each other hands as the hooded stranger begins to walk towards the altar* hey excuse me let me through i'm trying to get towards the middle here please stand by ah *coughs* hello queen poppy and young man * as the hooded stranger called branch a young man branch raises an eyebrow at that sentence in utterly confusion* I'm so very sorry to intrude but i have my reasons to interrupt this here wedding . Hoowee what amazing decorations you all have said - hooded stranger um.. Thanks - said queen poppy who are you, why are you wearing a hood and why did you interrupt our most happiest day of all times - demands branch well i'm here to ask you all a question that cannot wait - said hooded stranger oh yeah and what would that be exactly - asks branch well.. Uh hmm how do i put this queen poppy and the rest of the tribe royals are coming with me - said hooded stranger What!?- all royal leaders say in at the same time * branch starts to glare at the hooded stranger feeling threatened at the hooded stranger and tries to search for some pointy sticks but then releases that john dory took them all out while he was doing branches hair and then he comes to realization that he cant fight off this hooded stranger and protect five royals all at the same time. As branch tries to figure out a plan in his head poppy steps fourth the stranger and asks the hooded stranger a question* What do you want from us, hmm? aks queen poppy well it's not me that wants you its my boss who wants to marry you queen poppy and make the other so called royals my bosses slave and i can now see why my boss wants you you have fire in your eyes your majesty - says hooded stranger hahaha there's no way that just you alone can take five tribal leaders against thousands of trolls a couple hundred of burgins and some other friends * refers to crimp and veneer*- says branch *tisk tisk tisk* well that would be hard if i didn't come with reinforcements * whistles* * ground begins to shake all creatures begin to shake with fear but all the royals plus the bergin royals and branch and his bros take fighting stance while poppy looks uncertain and feels as if this hooded stranger isn't as bad as the hooded stranger looks but still gets in fighting stance* hahah this are my fellow pets they do as they are told MY PETS take the royalties but leave the bergin royals alone and take queen poppy and the rest destroy the decoration leave all the other creators alone for boss just wants queen poppy and the rest of the so called royals *cackles evilly* * As all the hooded stranger's pets take the royals branch his brothers viva and king peppy try to save poppy they try to grab her but the pets that are like bears still manage to steal her and the royals. *After the dust settles everyone is devastated king peppy orders everyone to remain calm while he says himself viva branch and his brothers will get queen poppy and the royals back. *

DUN DUN DUNNN what will happen next? ( i hope this seems like a cliffhanger bc i wanted it to be ) anyways this is the last chapter i will be posting till i get back this chapter took me about 1h and 30m so i hope you all love it so far. 

# broppy4ever 

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