Chapter 4 taking to a unknown place ( royals POV chapter)

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* After all the royals gained constance they all widen their eyes they were in a cage with thick bars in a haunting look place the mysterious troll was in front of the cage riding one of the hooded strangers pets and two of the hooded strangers pets were pulling the cage to this odd looking building two more strangers that are trolls but with creepy looking outfits and scars on them they opened two large doors that lead into a large thorn looking room with another hooded stranger with a fake crown on their head sitting on the biggest throne in the room once the first hooded stranger stopped the wagon caring the cage and dropped right in front on the hooded stranger with the crown* river you can sit beside me now - said hooded stranger with crown thank you sir said river who are you what do you want with us - demand/questioned poppy yeah - agreed all the royals * loughs ohhh poppy poppy poppy you know who i am and what i want is for you to love me once again - said the hooded stranger with the crown on their head again? What do you mean again - asks queen poppy 

( A/n your gonna be very shocked if you keep scrolling down) 

* the hooded stranger with the crown on their head tars the hood off of them and queen poppy gasps and her eyes go wide* c-creek?- asks queen poppy * The scene fades to branch his brothers king peppy and queen viva walking into the forest.  

(Well if the last chapter didnt give you suspence and the other thing i said that i cant remember atm this should have been anyways this chapter was a surprise and this is the last chapter till i get back unless if i have time ofc while im on vacation which theres  a 35% chance but anyways 


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