Chapter 16 inside of rivers dreams(POV) to the talk

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Throughout the rest of the night every troll slept well surprisingly the captured trolls could sleep in a cold hard cage everyone was sleeping well but river river kept tossing and turning and sweating acting like he was sick * inside of his dream he was scared to choose sides choose the good side but lose a family member forever but choose the wrong side he loses the ability to have friends a real home and being happy* river woke up sweating and painting he decided to talk to floyd but to be able to do that he would have to get the night guards away from the cage** river waked down stairs and told all the night guards to take a 2 hour break and they all agreed* shp shp shp shp anyone please wake up i need to speak to you all-said river huh what whos there its so late-said everyone i-im s-sorry to wake you all up but i just want no i need to speak to floyd about what he said to me earlier-said river umm alright what is it you want to talk about river-said floyd okay first keep your voices down and second if i choose your side what will happen to my brother-said/asks river .. w-well he will go to jail since he's evil of course-said an angry branch * rivers eyes go wide at branch* what branch means to say is that your brother will be punished of all of things wrong that he has done but if he gets good behavior he will be released early but till then creek is no longer your brother and we as your friends will be by your side creek or no creek we promise - said floyd* as they continue to talk about river joining them and how river will live without creek creek was outside the room listing since he got out of bed to get a snack and his eyes widen and thinks of a perfect plan to not lose his brother** the scene fades with creek smirking evilly and fades into blackness 

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