Chapter 13 river kidnaps brozone,viva & king peppy!?

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* back with brozone,king peppy,viva and river they have made camp for the night and river went into the woods to get "sticks" but went back to the castle to get guards* grr what is taking river so long to just gather sticks!-an irritated angry branch said/asks bro you gotta chill maybe there's not many small sticks that dude can find-said JD *sighs* your right your right i just need to be calm and trust river *breaths calmly*-said branch * They all turned and saw a bush rustling and out came river sweating with sticks in his hands and out of "breath"* yo river you alright man?-asks clay huh? Oh y-yeah i'm good i just thought i saw some creepy dangerous critters that's all-said a "frightened" river uhh ok? Well place those sticks on the fire and come sit down man-said bruce(spruce) r-right o-of c-course -said river * As he places the sticks on the fire and sits between king peppy and branch* i actually have something to say to you all-said river * As he stands up in the middle of everyone* alright man whats up?-asks floyd first of all i hope in the future you can all forgive me what i'm about to do and i could live with you and be friends with you and i will be able to help you get out of this situation i am about to put you guys in-said river * everyone immediately got confused at what river just said* r-river m-man what do you mean?-asks king peppy *river whistles and a hole group of soldiers came out of the bushes and immediately grabbed everyone and tied their hands together so they couldn't escape* I'm sorry friends but I must do what my brother says or else. Lets go king creek wants everyone to see his and queen poppys wedding lets go only five minutes to the castle. Also five of you go find the rest of our "friends" and capture the rest of the trolls in trolls kingdom-said/demand river

What!?-everyone said in anger* As everyone is pushed towards the direction of the castle while king peppy turns his head and watches the other guards go to his home he grows worried for everyone* poppy will not marry that monster i know her she will not-shouted an angry branch

Shush village grump troll-said one of the guards* scene fades into darkness*

whats gonna happen to all the trolls in trolls kingdom??

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