Chapter 22 shadow troll vs every creature + shadow troll defeated

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* Back with the shadow troll and queen poppy*

Let me go you creep i will never marry the likes of you only branch-said poppy oh don't worry soon you'll be happy to marry me* as the shadow troll said that he used his powers to control poppy like what barb did in trolls world tour and as his power controlled poppy her outfit changed into a black wedding dress and her eyes turned shadowy black.*

* Back with creek and river* river go back with the other trolls-said creek but what about you? And where are you going?-asks river i can't river i betrayed them no one will ever trust me again things will never be the same-said creek but your doing the exact same thing you need to do the right thing-said river* creek gives river sad guilt eyes and shakes his head as a no so river goes back to the others and leaves creek alone, but while creek watches river leave he rethinks about what river said*

* Back with the trolls in the vents* river there you are where's your brother?-asks barb *sighs* he will come when he gets his bravery-said river whatever we need to rescue poppy-said branch* as they go through the vents they find the shadow troll and poppy and kicked the vents and begun to sing the strongest song ever as they saw poppy was under the shadow trolls control*

**Oh Oh OH Oh OH OH OOOh shadow troll you listen to us now listen to us we shall never back down till we are all safe oh yeah hey you watch out we shall never lose ooooooh OOOOh ooooh OoOoOoOh yeah hey you should back down because we will never back down till everyone is safe ooooh* As they continued to sing they all saw queen poppy pretending to be controlled and creek came in and sung so loud that the shadow troll lost his powers and disappeared forever* Yeah we did it. Oh poppy how werent you in the shadows control-asks branch gumdrops( sound proof and declicus)( i do not own that dreamworks does) * as everyone laughs they see the half the trolls running towards the castle and all of them look surprised and happy as branch told them everything and everyone is alright with creek for now* creek since you came back are you willing to come back to troll's kingdom?-asks queen poppy * creeks eyes widen at that* thank you queen poppy but i think it's best if i fix this place up, give the guards a new home and learn what i need to do but i will come and visit-said a wise creek well at least come to my and branches wedding?-asks queen poppy hehe i sposs i could-said creek* as everyone begins to walk back to troll's kingdom and fix all the wedding decorations.*

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